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Musée des beaux-arts du Canada (1880-1949)
Dates indiquées en :
- Gras : Expositions tenues au Musée des Beaux-arts du Canada
- Régulier : Expositions en circulation au Canada
- Entre parenthèses : Exposition internationale
Liste des expositions
– 1880--
Exposition no 1
- 8 mars-ca. 20 mars, First Annual Exhibition. Canadian Academy of Arts. Toronto: Royal Canadian Academy of Art, 1880, 15 p. At former Clarendon Hotel, Ottawa
– 1886-
Exposition no 2
- 2 février-?? , Seventh Annual Exhibition, Royal Canadian Academv of Arts, combined with A Collection of Works intended for the Colonial & Indian Exhibition. Toronto: Royal Canadian Academy of Art. 1886, 19 p.
– 1889-
Exposition no 3
- 12 mars -?? , Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. Toronto, Royal Canadian Academy of Art. 1889, 14 p. 10th annual
– 1892-
Exposition no 4
- 31 mars-ca. 15 avril, 13th annual Exhibition.Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. Toronto: Royal Canadian Academy of Art, 1892, 11 p.
– 1894-
Exposition no 5
- 30 mars -?? , 15th annual Exhibition. Royal Canadian Academy of .Arts. Toronto: Royal Canadian Academy of Art, 1894, 20 p.
– 1897-
Exposition no 6
- 10 mars -?? , Eighteenth Annual Exhibition Royal Canadian Academy of Arts,. Toronto: Royal Canadian Academy of Art, 1897, 15 p
– 1900-
Exposition no 7
- 16 février -?? Twenty-lirst Annual Exhibition Royal Canadian Academv of Arts, Toronto: Royal Canadian Academy of Art, 1900, 23 p.
– 1903-
Exposition no 8
- 17 avril-ca. 15 mai, Twenty-fourth Annual Exhibition Royal Canadian Academy of Arts,. Toronto: Royal Canadian Academy of Art, 1903, 24 p
– 1906--
Exposition no 9
- 5 mai -?? , Twenty-seventh Annual Exhibition.Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, Toronto: Royal Canadian Academy of Art. 1906, 22 p.
Exposition no 10
- 21 novembre-5 décembre, Catalogue of special exhibition of foreign pictures direct from studios of artists. Ottawa : Woman’s Art Association, 1906 40 p. ill.
– 1909-
Exposition no 11
- 6-31 mai, Thirtieth Annual Exhibition of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. Toronto: Royal Canadian Academy of Art, 1909, 22 p.
– 1912-
Exposition no 12
- ?? Juillet - ?? juillet 1913, Special exhibition of J. Antoine Gudin’s ‘ Jacques Cartier Discovering the River St. Lawrence’. A loan front the Museum at Versailles arranged through the French Government.
Exposition no 13
- 29 novembre -?? , Thirty-fourth Annual Exhibition of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. Toronto: Royal Canadian Academy of Art. 1912 24 p.
– 1916-
Exposition no 14
- 14 octobre-25 novembre, Drawings from the National Gallery of Canada, shown at the Grange, Toronto
– 1917-
Exposition no 14 B
- 1er janvier-28 février, Paintings by Modern Artists from the National Gallery of Canada, shown at the Art Association of Montreal
Exposition no 15
- 10 février-31 mars, Lithographs from the National Gallery of Canada, shown at the Grange, Toronto.
Exposition no 16
- ?? juin—?? août, Pictures on loan from the National Gallery of Canada to Western Canada Fairs Association
Exposition no 17
- 30 Nov -?? , Catalogue of exhibitions of lithographs; loaned by the National Gallery of Canada. Halifax : Nova Scotia Museum of Fine Arts, 1917, 4 p.
Exposition no 18
- 20 décembre-26 janvier 1918, Catalogue of an exhibition of drawings loaned by the Trustees of the National Gallery of Ottawa. Montréal: Art Association of Montreal, 1917, 4 p.
– 1918-
Exposition no 19
- 30 janvier-?? , Catalogue of exhibition of paintings by Canadian artists; Loaned by the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. Halifax : Nova Scotia Museum of Fine Arts, 1918, 5 p.
Exposition no 20
- 16 février-30 mars, Steinlen lithographs. Shown at the Grange, Toronto
Exposition no 21
- 8 novembre-1er juillet 1919, Exhibition of paintings by Canadian artists. St. Louis : City Art Museum, Its Special exhibition catalogue, N" 5, 1918 13 p. Circulated in the United States
– 1919-
Exposition no 22
- 8 janvier-23 février, * (24 avril, 13 juin 1919), Catalogue of a loan collection of paintings from the National Gallery of Canada. Toronto: Art Museum of Toronto, 1919 29 p., ill. Separate edition: same title Pittsburgh: Carnegie Institute Department of Fine Arts. 1919 25 p., ill.
Exposition no 23
- 23 février-17 avril, Loan exhibition of Prints from the National Gallery of Ottawa. Shown at Art Association of Montreal, Montréal
– 1921-
Exposition no 24
- 12 septembre-20 décembre, Early Etchings and Engravings : 15th to 18 th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 25
- 12 septembre-11 février 1922, Modern Etchings, Permanent Collection
Exposition no 26
- 12 septembre-11 février 1922, Modern Lithographs. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 27
- 12 septembre-11 février 1922, Old and Modern Drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 28
- 20 décembre-31 janvier 1922, Exhibition of Recent Accessions including Pictures, Engravings, Etchings, Woodcuts, Lithographs and Mezzotints. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa , 1921, 14 p.
– 1922-
Exposition no 29
- 11 février-31 mars, Special Exhibitions : Pictures and Sketches by Tom Thomson ; Illustrations of the Book of Job and Dante’s Infermo by William Blake ; and Modern Colour Prints. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa , 1922, 21 p.
Exposition no 30
- 11 février-6 septembre, Etchings, Engravings, Woodcuts and the ' Men of 1830, ’ Permanent Collection
Exposition no 31
- 11 février-6 septembre, Ancient and Modern Drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 32
- 16 juin-?? mai 1923, Special exhibition of a portion of the Canadian War Memorials - Second Section. Previouslv shown Toronto and Montréal.
Exposition no 33
- 6 septembre-9 février 1923, Lithographs by Daumier, Gavarni and others. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 34
- 6 septembre-9 février 1923, Lithographs and Etchings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 36
- 1er-30 novembre, Retrospective Exhibition of the work of Franklin Brownell, r.c.a., National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1922, 7 p.
Exposition no 37
- 1er-30 novembre, Exhibition of New Purchases. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1922, 8 p.
– 1923-
Exposition no 38
- 5 janvier-31 mars, First Exhibition of Canadian War Memorials. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1923, 19 p.
Exposition no 39
- 9 février-18 janvier 1924, Engravings by Robert Nanteuil. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 40
- 9 février-14 septembre, Etchings, Engravings by Durer, Rembrandt and others. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 41
- 19 février-5 mai, Lithographs by various artists. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 42
- 5 mai-14 septembre, Cliches-Verre of the Barbizon School. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 43
- 6 septembre-18 janvier 1924, Drawings, from the permanent collection.
Exposition no 44
- 14 septembre-13 février 1924, Sandby Aquatints and Blake Engravings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 45
- 14 septembre-13 février 1924, Recent Accessions.
– 1924-
Exposition no 46
- 18 janvier-30 avril, Second Exhibition of Canadian War Memorials. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1924, 26 p.
Exposition no 47
- 13 février-24 juillet, Modern Woodcuts. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 48
- 10 avril-20 novembre, Modern Etchings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 49
- 10 avril-20 novembre, Old and Modern Drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 50
- (23 avril, 31 mars 1925), Canadian Section of Fine Arts, British Empire Exhibition, London 1924, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1924, 35 p. Separate edition: the British Empire Exhibition, Wembley Park, London : Palace of Fine Art, 1924, 24 p., ill. Related publications: A Portfolio of Pictures from the Canadian Section of Fine Arts, British Empire Exhibition Leicester : Museum and Art Gallery, 1924, 30 p., ill.; Press Continents on the Canadian Section of Fine Arts, British Empire Exhibition National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1924, 31 p. Circulated in England and Scotland. See also 62
Exposition no 51
- 24 avril-1er août, Lithographs. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 52
- 24 juillet-20 novembre, Early Engraved Portraits. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 53
- 1er août-20 novembre, Early Engravings and Etchings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 54
- 20 novembre-20 décembre, Forty-sixth exhibition of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1924, 24 p., ill.
– 1925-
Exposition no 55
- 2 janvier-14 février, 24 février-13 juin 1925, Exhibition of Contemporary British Painting, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1925, 18 p. Separate edition: same title Toronto : Art Gallery of Toronto. Toronto, 1925, 18 p. Composed mostly of Works shown at the British Empire Exhibition, Wembley Park, London 1924
Exposition no 56
- 23 février-27 août, Engravings by Blake. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 57
- 23 février-14 octobre, Modern Colour Prints. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 58
- 23 février-21 janvier 1926, Drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 59
- 23 février-21 janvier 1926, Lithographs by various artists. Permanent Collection)
Exposition no 60
- ?? mars-?? , British Posters
Exposition no 61
- (9 mai-Février 1927), Canadian Section of Fine Arts, British Empire Exhibition, Wembley Park London 1925, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa , 1925, 23 p. Circulated in England. Separate editions published Bury, Rochdale, Oldharn, Manchester and Plymouth
Exposition no 62
- (ca. juillet-?? août), Selection of 24 paintings from the Canadian Section, British Empire Exhibition, London 1924, and shown as part of the British Arts Section, International Exhibition of Art, Ghent, Belgium. See 50
Exposition no 63
- 21 octobre-15 janvier 1926, Early Engravings and Etchings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 64
- 21 octobre -?? Octobre 1926, Etchings: 17th to 19th centuries. Permanent Collection
– 1926-
Exposition no 65
- 16 janvier-30 juin, Canadian Prints and Drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 66
- 21 janvier-28 février, Special Exhibition of Canadian Art. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1926, 24 p. First annual
Exposition no 67
- 3-28 mars, Water Colours by Archibald Knox. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1926, 3 p. Catalogue-folder.
Exposition no 68
- 8 avril, 26 juin, Turner’s ‘ Liber Studiorum. ’ Permanent Collection, Re-hung 14 août-30 septembre 1926
Exposition no 69
- 8 avril-15 octobre, Drawings of the 18th and 19th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 70
- 14 août -?? Janvier 1927, Early Engravings and Etchings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 71
- 1er-30 octobre, Catalogue of Modern British Prints. Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn Museum, 1924, 26 p., ill.
Exposition no 72
- 1er octobre-28 juin 1927, Portraits of the 16th to 20th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 73
- 26 novembre-?? Juin 1927, Woodcuts by Albrecht Durer. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 74
- 20 décembre-10 janvier 1927, Recent Acquisitions: Aquatints and Etchings by Lama Knight, a.r.w.s.
– 1927-
Exposition no 75
- 11 janvier-28 février, Second Annual Exhibition of Canadian Art. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa , 1927, 22 p.
Exposition no 76
- 1er-31 mars, Contemporary American Painting. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1927, 3 p. catalogue-folder. From the American Section of the International Exhibition, Pittsburgh, 1926
Exposition no 77
- (11 avril, 10 mai), Exposition d’art canadien. Musée du Jeu de Paume, Paris : Ministry of Fine Arts, 1927, 67 p., ill. Included exhibitions of the work of .J. W. Morrice and Tom Thomson
Exposition no 78
- 22 avril -?? , Modern Japanese Woodblock Prints. By the Art Association of Indianapolis for the John Hcrron Art Institute, Indianapolis. Indiana
Exposition no 79
- 10 mai-28 juin, Modern Colour Prints.Permanent Collection
Exposition no 80
- ??-?? Juillet, Diamond Jubilee Exhibition: Canadian Prints and Drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 81
- 15-30 août, William Blake Memorial Exhibition. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 82
- 26 septembre-6 avril 1928, Modern Woodcuts.Permanent Collection
Exposition no 83
- 26 septembre-18 avril 1928, Modern Lithographs. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 84
- 27 septembre-7 novembre, Drawings: 16th to 19th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 85
- 20 novembre-31 décembre, • 7 janvier 1928-22 avril 1928, Canadian West Coast Art. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1927, 16 p., introd. by Marius Barbeau. Separate edition: same title Toronto : Art Gallery of Toronto, Toronto, 1928, 16 p.. ill. Arranged in co-operation with the National Museum, Ottawa; Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, McGill University, Montréal and Art Association of Montreal.
Exposition no 86
- 1er décembre-8 février 1928, Drawings of the18th and 19th centuries. Permanent Collection
– 1928-
Exposition no 87
- 24 janvier-28 février, Special Exhibition of Paintings by Old Masters; Recently Acquired bv Loan and Purchase. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1928, 8 p.
Exposition no 88
- 24 janvier-28 février, Third Annual Exhibition of Canadian Art. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1928, 16 p.
Exposition no 89
- 6 février-18 octobre, Modern Drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 90
- 4 Mar-1er avril, Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour. From 2nd annual, 1927 Contemporary American Painting. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1928, 16 p. Latter organized by Art Institute of Chicago and shown al National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa : 7-30 mars 1928
Exposition no 91
- 6 avril, 13 juin, Durer Centenary Exhibition. Permanent Collectionl
Exposition no 92
- 23 avril, 18 octobre Vasari Society’s Reproductions of Drawings by Old Masters : the German, Netherlands and English Schools
Exposition no 93
- ?? , -?? avril, 25 mai, Contemporary British Paintings. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1928, 12 p., foreword by F.G. Kenyon. Arranged in great Brilain for the National Gallery of Art, Washington
Exposition no 94
- 14 juin-18 octobre, Modern Colour Prints. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 95
- 1er juillet-12 janvier, 1929, Canadian Prints and Drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 96
- 20 octobre-12 décembre, Exhibition of Modern Woodcuts and Wood Engravings. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1928 12 p. by Herbert Furst. Arranged in Great Britain
Exposition no 97
- 14 décembre-12 janvier 1929, Early Engravings and Etchings: 15th and 16th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 98
- 14 décembre-12 janvier 1929, Recent Accessions
– 1929-
Exposition no 99
- 28 janvier-28 février, Fourth Annual Exhibition of Canadian Art. Exhibition by Members of the Society ol Sculptors of Canada, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1929, 27 p. Latter continued to 16 mars 1929
Exposition no 100
- 19 mars-31 mai, Amcrican Print Makers Exhibition. 2nd annual by the Downtown Gallery, New York
Exposition no 101
- 22 mars-20 juillet, Etchings and Engravings from the 15th century to the present day. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 102
- ?? mai-?? , Award winning entries: Willingdon Arts Competition.
Exposition no 103
- 1er juin-20 juillet, Woodcuts and Lithographs: 19th century. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 104
- 22 juillet-2 septembre, • ?? octobre 1929-?? avril 1930 • (?? septembre 1930-?? mai 1931), Modern Austrian Woodcuts and Colour Prints. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1929, 7 p. By the Zentralverband Bildender Kunstler, Vienna. Circulated in Canada and the United States
Exposition no 105
- 4 septembre-25 novembre, Etched and Engraved Portraits: 16th to 18th century. Permanent Collection See 238
Exposition no 106
- 5 septembre-25 novembre, Aquatints by Paul Sandby; Plates from J.W.M. Turner’s ' Liber Studiorum Turner’s Engravings and Girtin’s Views of Paris.’ Permanent Collection See 2371
Exposition no 107
- 10 septembre-26 novembre, Recent Accessions : Modern Woodcuts
Exposition no 108
- 27 septembre-20 janvier 1930, Canadian Drawings. Permanent Collection See 119
Exposition no 109
- 18 octobre-20 novembre, • ?? décembre 1929-?? octobre 1930. Catalogue of Pictures in the National Loan Collection Trust. London: Tate Gallery, 1928 61 p.. introd. by R. Witt. Arranged through Art Exhibitions Bureau, London
Exposition no 110
- 25 octobre-Mars 1939, Contemporary Prints from Czechoslovakia. By Gordon Dunthornes Galleries, Washington, in conjunction with the Dollar Society of Graphic Arts. Prague. See 221
Exposition no 111
- 6 novembre-15 janvier 1930, Exhibition of the Society of Canadian Painters-Etchers
Exposition no 112
- 31 novembre-3 février 1930, • 7 février 1930-?? novembre 1930, Modern British Etchings. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1929, 16 p. Arranged in co-operation with Art Exhibitions Bureau, London
Exposition no 113
- ___ Special Exhibition of Paintings by Old Masters ; Recently Acquired, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1929, 6 p.
– 1930-
Exposition no 114
- 23 janvier-28 février, Fifth Annual Exhibition of Canadian Art. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1930, 16 p.
Exposition no 115
- 3 février-6 octobre, Views of London and Paris by Wenceslaus Hollar and Reynier Nooms.
Exposition no 116
- 4 février-21 mars, Contemporary Lithographs. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 117
- 5 février-30 avril, French Etchings of the19th century.
Exposition no 118
- 5 février-30 avril, Early Engravings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 119
- 27 février-6 octobre, Canadian Drawings. Permanent Collection Sec 108
Exposition no 120
- 22 Mar-30 avril, American Print Makers : third Annual Exhibition. New York, the Downtown Gallery, 1929, 13 p. ill.
Exposition no 120B
- ?? mai-?? , Willingdon Arts Competition
Exposition no 121
- 3 mai-10 janvier 1931, Landscape Etchings,.Permanent Collection
Exposition no 122
- 9 juin- 24 novembre, Contemporary Colour Prints. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 123
- 9 juin- 24 novembre, Drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 124
- 6 octobre-6 janvier 1931, Contemporary Canadian Etchings and Lithographs. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 125
26 novembre-8 décembre, Catalogue of Arctic Sketches by A.Y. Jackson, r.c.a., and Lawren Harris, r.c.a. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1930, 3 p. catalogue-folder.
Exposition no 126
- 9 décembre-5 janvier, • ?? janvier 1931-?? avril 1932 Contemporary Polish Prints. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1930 7 p., ill.
Exposition no 127
- ___ Special Exhibition of Paintings by Old Masters ; Recently Acquired, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1930 7 p.
– 1931-
Exposition no 128
- 15 janvier-28 février, Sixth Annual Exhibition of Canadian Art. Exhibition by Members of the Society of Sculptors of Canada, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. 1931 31 p.
Exposition no 129
- 22 janvier-23 février, • 6 mars-?? Juillet, Exhibition of Contemporary French Prints. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. 1931, 19 p.. introd. by P A. Lemoisne. Arranged in co-operation with Maurice Le Garrec, Paris, and the British Museum, London
Exposition no 129B
- ?? Février-?? , Willingdon Arts Competition.
Exposition no 130
- 25 février-16 mars, Woodcuts and Wood Engravings from the 19th to the 20th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 131
- 25 février-16 Mars, • ?? mars 1931- ?? mars 1932 W'ood Engravings by Miss Clare Leighton, a.r.e.
Exposition no 132
- 26 février-15 juin, Early Engravings and Etchings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 133
- 27 février-14 juin, The Etchings of Frederick Landseer Griggs, A.R.A., R.E.
Exposition no 134
- (14 Mar -?? mai), Contemporary Canadian Art Exhibition, the British Empire Trade Fair. Buenos Aires.
Exposition no 135
- 17 mars-16 juin, Recent Accessions : Etchings and Engravings of the 16th,17th and 18th centuries
Exposition no 136
- ?? mars-?? avril, • ?? mai- ?? octobre, Contemporary British Water Colours. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. 1931, 15 p. Arranged in co-operation with the Art Exhibitions Bureau, London
Exposition no 137
- 16 juin-30 septembre, 19th century Lithographs: the Men of 1830. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 138
- 16 juin- 2 novembre, Recent Accessions: Drawings by George Du Maurier.
Exposition no 139
- 17 juin-8 janvier 1932, Prints and drawings of the English School of the 18th and 19th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 140
- 1er octobre-24 novembre, Contemporary Czechoslovakian Prints. Loan exhibition
Exposition no 141
- 2 novembre-22 décembre, Wood Engravings by Timothy Cole. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 142
- 25 novembre-27 mai 1932, Engravings and Etchings; 15th to 20th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 143
- 23 décembre-8 janvier 1932, Prints and drawings of ‘ The Nativity ’ and ‘ the Adoration ’, etc. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 144
- ___ Special Exhibition of Paintings by Old Masters, Recently Acquired, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1931, 8 p.
– 1932-
Exposition no 145
- 9 janvier-27 mai, Special Exhibition of Paintings and Prints, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1932, 6 p. Supplementary checklists. Includes : Paintings by James Philip De Loutherbourg, r.a. ; Turner’s ‘ Southern Coast ’; Recent Accessions - Contemporary French Prints.
Exposition no 146
- 22 janvier-23 février, Seventh Annual Exhibition of Canadian Art. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1932, 27 p.
Exposition no 147
- ?? mars-3 avril, • ?? avril 1932-?? décembre 1932, Contemporary British Painting. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1932, 13 p. Arranged in cooperation with the National Gallery of British Art, London
Exposition no 148
- 30 avril-25 septembre, Prints illustrating the different processes used in engraving. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 149
- 30 mai-25 septembre, Drawings; British School, 18th to 20th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 150
- 30 mai-21 décembre, Etchings and Engravings; British School, 16th to 20th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 151
- 18 juillet-28 janvier 1933, Souvenir Catalogue : Imperial Economic Conference, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1932, 8 p.. plus 6 postcard reprods. in pocket. Includes special exhibitions of the work of James W. Morrice and Tom Thomson
Exposition no 152
- 26 septembre-5 janvier 1933, Recent Accessions : Colour prints by Contemporary Canadian, British, Austrian and Polish Artists.
Exposition no 153
- 26 septembre-5 janvier 1933, Recent Accessions: Prints and Drawings, 16th to 20th centuries
– 1933-
Exposition no 154
- 7-31 janvier, * ?? février-?? Juillet • 26 juillet-27 août, Contemporary British Prints : Engravings, Etchings, Dry-points, Aquatints, Woodcuts, Wood-Engravings and Lithographs. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1933, 17 p.
Exposition no 155
- (27 janvier-25 août 1934), Fifty-third annual exhibition held in the Royal Scottish Academv Galleries, Edinburgh : Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Water Colours, 1933, 62 p. Canadian section arranged in cooperation with Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour for circulation in Scotland and England. Separate catalogues published: Stockport, Blackpool, Eastbourne, Leicester, Bury, Northampton, Trent and Leamington
Exposition no 156
- 4 février-6 mars, Recent Accessions : contemporary British prints.
Exposition no 157
- 7 février-6 mars, • ?? avril-15 juillet 1933, Eighth Annual Exhibition of Canadian Art, Memorial Exhibition of the Work of James E.H. MacDonald, r.c.a., (1874-1932), National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1933, 30 p. Only latter toured
Exposition no 158
- ?? février-?? juillet, • 7 mars-2 avril, Exhibition of Contemporary American Water Colours.
Exposition no 159
- 15 mars-5 avril, Canadian Drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 160
- 22 Mar-23 juillet, Dutch Etchers of the 17th century. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 161
- 22 Mar-23 juillet, Engravings from the 15th century to the present day. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 162
- 5 avril, 31 mai, Etchings by Anders Zorn and Marius A.J. Bauer. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 163
- 5 avril-31 mai, Colour Prints by Old and Modern Masters. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 164
- 1er juin-2 juillet, • ?? juillet 1933-?? avril 1934, Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour Travelling Exhibition. From 6th annual, 1933
Exposition no 165
- 4-23 juillet, Canadian Society of Graphic Artists. From 10th annual, 1933
Exposition no 166
- 28 août-19 septembre, • ?? octobre 1933-?? janvier 1934, Fifty American Colour Prints of the Year. By the California Print Makers and circulated by : American Federation of Arts, Washington.
Exposition no 167
- 28 août-31 octobre, The Barbizon School; drawings, etchings, lithographs and cliches-verres. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 168
- 28 août-31 octobre, Lithographs by Eugene Isabey and R.P. Bonington. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 169
- 29 août- 31 octobre, Prints illustrating the various processes of Engraving. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 170
- 21 septembre-31 octobre, Etched and Engraved Portraits; 16th to 18th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 171
- 3 novembre-6 décembre, • ?? décembre 1933- ?? mars 1935, Original Punch Drawings; a catalogue of drawings by John Leech, Charles Keene, Sir John Tenniel and George Du Maurier. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1933, 31 p. Supplementary checklist of works not in catalogue, 1 p. Arranged through Art Exhibitions Bureau, London
Exposition no 172
- ?? novembre • ?? , • ?? décembre 1933-?? janvier 1935 An exhibition by the Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Water Colours. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1933, 12 p.
Exposition no 173
- ?? novembre-?? , • ?? décembre 1933, Exhibition of painting ‘ Baptism of the Eunuch ’ by Rembrandt; Lent by Messrs. Spink & Sons Ltd., London. Shown Art Gallery of Toronto, Toronto
Exposition no 174
- ?? novembre-?? , Exhibition of painting ‘ Venus and the Lute Player ' by Titian; Lent by Lord Duveen, London.
Exposition no 175
- 12 décembre-7 mai 1934, Views of Paris by thomas Girtin, Maxime Lalanne and Reynier Nooms (Zeernan)
Exposition no 176
- 12 décembre-14 novembre 1934, Woodcuts and Wood Engravings from the 15th to 20th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 177
- 12 décembre-14 novembre 1934, Engravings and Etchings from the 15th to the 20th century. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 178
- 12 décembre-14 novembre 1934, William Blake and His Followers. Permanent Collection
– 1934-
Exposition no 179
- 3-28 janvier, French Prints and Drawings of the 19th century. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 180
- 3-28 janvier, French Prints of the 19th century: Diaz, Isabey, Meryon. Permanent Collection)
Exposition no 181
- 3 janvier-12 février, Contemporary French Prints. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 182
- 3 janvier-?? février, • 2 février-?? mars, French painting of the nineteenth century. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1934, 61 p., ill. Shown Art Gallery of Toronto, Toronto and Art Association of Montreal
Exposition no 183
- 5 janvier -?? mars, • ?? février-?? , Paintings by Cornelius Krieghoff, (1815-1872). National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. 1934, 22 p., ill., introd. by Marius Barbeau.
Exposition no 184
- ?? janvier-?? , • ?? février-?? novembre, Contemporary British Prints.
Exposition no 185
- 15 février-5 mars, Contemporary Canadian Prints. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 186
- 15 février-5 mars, Canadian prints and drawings of the 19th century. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 187
- 15 février-3 novembre, Contemporary Canadian drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 188
- ?? février-?? , ?? mai-?? novembre, Royal Canadian Academy Travelling Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1934, 10 p. From 53rd annual, 1933
Exposition no 189
- 26 mai- 18 juin, Loan exhibition of paintings, water colours, drawings, woodcuts and lithographs by Rockwell Kent.
Exposition no 190
- 29 mai-14 novembre, James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903) ; Centenary exhibition, etchings and lithographs. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 191
- 20 juin- 14 août, • ?? septembre 1934-?? octobre 1935, Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour Travelling Exhibition. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1934, 7 p. From 7th annual, 1934
Exposition no 192
- 6 novembre-ca. 30 novembre, • 7 décembre 1934-?? août 1935, Contemporary Paintings by Artists of the United-States; arranged by Carnegie Corporation of New York, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1934, 44 p., ill.
Exposition no 193
- 6-26 novembre, • ?? décembre 1934-?? décembre 1935, • 25 janvier 1936- 20 février, Contemporary American Prints. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1934, 3 p. catalogue-folder. By Messrs. E. Weyhe & Co., New York
Exposition no 194
- 16 novembre-5 décembre, • ?? décembre-?? Juillet 1935, First annual Canadian International Salon of PhotoGraphic Art. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1934, 22 p., ill. By the Camera Club of Ottawa
Exposition no 195
- 28 novembre-8 mai 1937, • 14 décembre 1935-23 janvier 1936, Exhibition of Modern Colour Prints. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1935, 3 p. catalogue-folder. By Redfern Gallery, London
Exposition no 196
- 30 novembre-31 décembre, Contemporary Canadian Prints. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 197
- 7 décembre-6 février 1935, Recent Accessions.
Exposition no 198
- 8 décembre-6 février 1935, Goya’s ‘ Disasters of War ’ and drawings and lithographs by Paul Nash. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 199
- ?? décembre-?? , •?? janvier-?? septembre 1935, Royal Canadian Academy Travelling Exhibition, 1935, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1935, 10 p. From 54th annual, 1934
– 1935-
Exposition no 200
- 3-27 janvier, Contemporary British Prints: Woodcuts and Wood Engravings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 201
- 3-27 janvier, Exhibition of prints and drawings; hung in connection with ‘ Contemporary British Painting ‘ . Permanent Collection
Exposition no 202
- 3-27 janvier, Contemporary British Prints: Etchings and Engravings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 203
- ?? - 3 janvier, * 1er février,?? décembre, Contemporary British Painting. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1935, 31 p.. ill. Arranged through the Courtauld Institute of Art, London
Exposition no 204
- ?? janvier-?? mars, Special Exhibition of great master paintings. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1934, 3 p. catalogue-folder. Lent by T. Harris and R.E.A. Wilson, London
Exposition no 205
- 8 février-26 mars, • 1 avril 1935 -?? mars 1936, British Posters, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1935, 2 p. catalogue-folder. See 412
Exposition no 206
- 6 Mar-30 avril, Lithographs by Steinlen. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 207
- 6 mars-30 avril, The Wood Engravings of John Everett Millais. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 208
- 7 mars-30 avril, Etchings from the 15th to 20th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 209
- 7 mars-30 avril, Drawings from the 16th to the 20th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 210
- ?? Mars-?? , Sculptors’ Society of Canada Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1935, 13 Catalogue-folder.
Exposition no 211
- 1er-31 mai, Engravings and Etchings of the British School; 16th to 20th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 212
- 1er mai-11 juillet, Drawings of the British School, 18th to 20th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 213
- 1er mai-11 juillet, Woodcuts and Lithographs, British School, 19th and 20th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 214
- 5 juin-8 juillet, • ?? juillet 1935-?? janvier 1937, Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour Travelling Exhibition. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1935, 8 p. From 8th annual, 1935
Exposition no 215
- 13 juillet-20 septembre, Selected drawings of the Canadian War Memorials. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 216
- 13 juillet- 10 octobre, Trees in Etching and Lithography. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 217
- 13 juillet-12 novembre, Recent Accessions.
Exposition no 218
- 21 septembre-12 novembre, Lithographs by Daumier and Gavarni. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 219
- 1er octobre-30 janvier 1937, * 9 mai 1936-5 juin, Exhibition of Contemporary International Lithographs. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1935, 4 p.,-ill. By Senefelder Club, Leicester Galleries, London, and the Weyhe Galleries. New York
Exposition no 220
- 10 octobre-12 novembre, Biblical Illustrations, in commemoration of four hundred years of the Printed Bible. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 221
- ?? octobre - ?? mars 1937, Contemporary Prints from Czechoslovakia: an exhibition assembled by the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa and circulated in the Maritime provinces under the auspices of the Maritime Art Association, Montréal Art Association Exhibition Commentaries, N” 1, 1935, 6 p., by Elizabeth McLeod. See 110
Exposition no 222
- 12 novembre-10 décembre, • ?? décembre 1935-?? juin 1937, Second Canadian International Salon of Photographic Art. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1935, 41 p., ill.
Exposition no 223
- ?? novembre-?? décembre, Exhibition of Canadian painting by a group of selected artists. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1935, 25 p., ill.
Exposition no 224
- 14 décembre-23 janvier 1936, Exhibition of Modern Colour Prints. See 195
Exposition no 225
- 16 décembre-6 janvier 1936, Engravings and drawings of ‘ the Nativity ’ and ‘ The Adoration ’ Permanent CollectionJ
– 1936-
Exposition no 226
- 6-24 janvier, Etchings and Engravings by Alphonse Legros. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 227
- 25 janvier-20 février, Contemporary American Prints. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1934, 4 p. catalogue-folder. By Messrs. F. Weyhe & Co., New York. See 193
Exposition no 228
- 25 janvier-20 février, 19th century prints, engravings, etchings, dry-points, woodcuts and lithographs. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 229
- ?? janvier -?? avril 1937, • 17 avril- 5 mai 1936, Exhibition of Original Stage and Costume Designs by Norman Wilkinson of Four Oaks. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1936, 6 p. From the Courtauld Institute, London
Exposition no 230
- ?? janvier -?? novembre, • 22 août-20 septembre, Royal Canadian Academy Travelling Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1936, 10 p. From 56th annual, 1935
Exposition no 231
- 20 février-15 avril, •?? avril, 15 juin, Retrospective exhibition of painting by members of the Group of Seven, 1919-1933, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1936, 41 p., ill. Shown Art Gallery of Toronto, Toronto
Exposition no 232
- 17 avril, 5 mai, Prints Illustrating Costumes of various periods. From Permanent Collection and shown in conjunction with 229
Exposition no 233
- 1er mai -?? octobre 1937, •?? juillet 1937-ca. 30 août, Canadian Group of Painters Travelling Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1936, 7 p. Separate edition for Eastern tour with 2 works added: same title National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1936, 8 p. From 2nd annual, 1936
Exposition no 234
- 9 mai-5 juin, Exhibition of Contemporary International Lithographs. See 219
Exposition no 235
- 6 juin- 4 juillet, • ?? juillet 1936 -?? février 1937, Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour Travelling Exhibition. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1936, 9 p. From gth annual, 1936
Exposition no 236
- 5 juillet-21 août, The Etchings of Frederick Landseer Griggs, a.r.a., r.e.
Exposition no 237
- 5 juillet-21 août, Aquatints by Paul Sandby; Plates from J.M.W. Turner’s ‘ Liber Studiorum Turner’s Engravings and thomas Girtin’s ‘ Views of Paris. ’ See 106
Exposition no 238
- 5 juillet-21 août, Etched and engraved portraits from the 16th to 18th centuries. See 105
Exposition no 239
- 15 septembre-16 avril 1939, Exhibition of contemporary Canadian painting; arranged on behalf of the Carnegie corporation of New York for circulation in the southern dominions of the British Empire, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1936, 38 p., ill., by Eric Brown. Supplementary publication: Empire Exhibition Johannesburg: Palace of Fine Arts, 1936, 141 p., ill., no title page. Toured South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii. Referred to as ‘Southern Dominions Exhibition’
Exposition no 240
- 22 septembre-4 novembre, French etching from the 17th century to the present day. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 241
- 22 septembre-21 décembre, Engravings and woodcuts by Albrecht Durer. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 242
- 22 septembre-21 décembre, Etchings by Pieter Brueghel, Rembrandt van Rijn and Dutch etchers of the 17th century. Permanent CollectionJ
Exposition no 243
- 21 septembre-23 décembre, Lithographs by Ethel Gabain and John Copley. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 244
- 23 octobre-15 novembre ,• ?? novembre 1936-?? septembre 1937, Third Canadian International Salon of Photographic Art, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1936, 33 p., ilL
Exposition no 245
- 24 octobre-15 novembre. • 1er décembre 1936-14 janvier 1937. Exhibition of Contemporary British Painting, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1936. 11 p. From Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto 1936, and arranged through Art Exhibitions Bureau, London. After Montréal, exhibition divided. See 252 (Eastern) and 250 (Western)
Exposition no 246
- 5 novembre-21 décembre. Facsimiles of drawings and water colours by Albrecht Durer from the Albertina and other collections. Print galleries
Exposition no 247
- 10-27 novembre. Facsimiles of drawings by Breughel, Rembrandt and Rubens. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 248
- 21 novembre -?? , * 9 décembre 1936- 11 juillet 1937, Sculptors Society of Canada Travelling Exhibition 1936-37, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1936 7 p.
Exposition no 249
- 21 décembre-5 février 1937, • février 1937-Mai 1938, Exhibition of the Etchings of Augustus John, R.A., and Gerald !.. Brockhurst, a.r.a., r.e. Ncc, 1937, 11 p.
– 1937-
Exposition no 250
- 15 janvier-3 mai, Exhibition of Contemporary British Painting, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1937, 3 p. catalogue-folder. Western tour. See 245
Exposition no 251
- 1er janvier-14 mai 1938, • ?? octobre 1937- ?? , Royal Canadian Academy Travelling Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1937, 10 p. From 57th annual, 1936°
Exposition no 252
- 1er février-6 juin, Exhibition of Contemporary British Painting, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1937, 3 p. catalogue-folder. (Eastern tour). See 245
Exposition no 253
- 10 février-8 mars, Artists as Illustrators. Blake’s illustrations to the Book of Job and to Dante, Permanent Collection
Exposition no 254
- 10 février-10 mars, • 26 avril-30 novembre, Exhibition of Book Illustration and Fine Printing. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1937, 31p.0
Exposition no 255
- 9 mars-27 avril, Selected Prints. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 256
- 9 mars-27 avril, Contemporary Woodcuts and Wood Engravings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 257
- 9 mars-10 juin, Recent Accessions.
Exposition no 258
- 1er-16 mai, • ca. ?? juin 1937-ca. ?? juin1938, Original work of Cinema Art Directors. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1937, 7 p. Drawings from the British Film lnstitute, London, and the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences, Hollywood, arranged in co-operation with the National Film Society of Canada
Exposition no 259
- 11 mai-3 avril 1938, Royal British Colonial Society of Artists, Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture by Artists of the British Empire Overseas. London: Royal lnstitute Galleries, 1937, 107 p., ill. Canadian section toured England. Referred to as ‘ Coronation Exhibition '
Exposition no 260
- 15 mai- 10 juin,• 15 juin-8 juin 1938, Tenth annual Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour Annual Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1937, 12 p.
Exposition no 261
- ?? juillet-ca. 30 août, Canadian Group of Painters Travelling Exhibition, 1936. See 233
Exposition no 262
- 4 septembre-18 octobre, Contemporary Canadian prints and drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 263
- 4 septembre-18 octobre, Selected prints, engravings, etchings, woodcuts and lithographs from the 19th century to the 20th century. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 264
- 4 septembre-18 octobre, Selected drawings and water colours from the 16th to 20th century. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 265
- 19 octobre-14 novembre, • 23 novembre 1937-7 novembre 1938, Fourth Canadian International Salon of Photographic Art. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1937, 33 p., ill.
Exposition no 266
- 20 novembre-15 décembre Etchings and Monotypes by Clarence A. Gagnon, r.c.a (1881–1942). Permanent Collection
Exposition no 267
- 20 novembre-15 décembre, Great. Engravers of the 15th and 16th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 268
- 20 novembre-16 décembre, French prints and drawings of the last hundred years. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 269
- 25 novembre-27 décembre, • 8 janvier 1938-?? février, James Wilson Morrice, r.c.a., 1865-1924: memorial exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1937, 34 p., ill. Arranged in co-operation with Art Gallery of Toronto, Toronto and Art Association of Montreal
Exposition no 270
- 16 décembre-29 mars 1938, Contemporary French Painting. From the Fine Arts Section, Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto 1937
Exposition no 271
- 18 décembre-11 janvier 1938, • 19 janvier 1938-11 novembre 1939, • juin1942-ca. août 1943, Pictures by Children, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1937, 4 p.. introd. by Arthur Lismer. From galleries across Canada and also shown Jamaica. See 358B
– 1938-
Exposition no 272
- 1er janvier-13 février 1939, Royal Canadian Academy Travelling Exhibition, 1938, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. 1938, 9 p. From 58th annual, 1937
Exposition no 273
- 8 janvier -?? , Etchings by Francisco Goya: the disasters of war. Shown Art Gallery of Toronto
Exposition no 274
- 15 janvier-2 février, • 18 février 1938-?? Avril 1939, Exhibition by the Royal Scottish Society ol Painters in Water Colours. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1938, 9 p.
Exposition no 275
- 15 janvier-7 février, Drawings and Water Colours by Thomas Rowlandson. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 276
- I4 février-1er juillet 1939, Fifty-Eighth Annual Exhibition, Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Water Colours. Edinburgh: Royal Scottish Academy, 1938, 10 p. Canadian section arranged in co-operation with Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour for circulation in Scotland and England. Separate catalogues published at Burton, Portsmouth and Leamington
Exposition no 277
- 9-28 février, Canadian Group of Painters Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1938, 10 p.
Exposition no 278
- 9 février-Mai 1939, Contemporary British Prints, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1938, 3 p. catalogue-folder. By Redfern Gallery, London
Exposition no 279
- 10 mars-3 avril, • 5-30 avril, Fifty-four original paintings by Clarence Gagnon illustrating the book Maria Chapdelaine. Montréal: Art Association of Montreal, 1938, 5 p. introd. By Willred Bovey, Shown Art Gallery of Toronto, Toronto
Exposition no 280
- 10 mars-3 avril, • 8 avril -21 novembre, Henri Julien (1851-1908); Memorial Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1938, 15 p., essay by Marius Barbeau. Édition française: Henri Julien (1851-1908); exposition commémorative National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1938, 15 p.
Exposition no 281
- 12 avril, 1er mai, • 11 mai 1938-avril 1939, The Art of the theatre: Contemporary Stage and Costume Design, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1938, 45 p., essays by J. Laver, S. Lissim, J. Gregor and M. Treter.
Exposition no 282
- 15 avril, 9 avril 1939, • 12 décembre-22 janvier 1939, A loan collection of Modern Prints and Drawings, lent by the Contemporary Art Society through the Empire Art Loan Collections Society, for exhibition in the Public Galleries of Australia and New Zealand, 1936-1937,. London : Contemporary Art Society, 1936, 12 p., foreword by A.M. Hind.
Exposition no 283
- 7-24 mai, • 29 août 1938-4 novembre 1944, The Society of Artist Printers Travelling Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1938, 6 p. From Scotland
Exposition no 284
- 7 mai-16 octobre, French Prints of the Eighteenth Century. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 285
- 28 mai-15 août, • 3 septembre 1938-1er avril 1939, Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour Travelling Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1938, 10 p. From 11th annual, 1938
Exposition no 286
- 19 août-15 octobre, Engravings, etchings and lithographs of the Netherlands School: In honour of Queen Wilhemina’s Jubilee. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 287
- 19 août-15 octobre, Canadian Drawings and Water Colours. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 288
- 15 octobre-15 décembre, A Century of Canadian art. London: Tate Gallery, 1938 67 p.. ill.
Exposition no 289
- 21 octobre-8 novembre, • 15 novembre 1938-8 novembre 1939, Fifth Canadian International Salon of Photographic Art. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1938, 30 p., ill.
Exposition no 290
- 22 octobre-18 novembre, • 20 novembre 1938-?? février 1940, Polish Prints and Textiles, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1938, 48 p., ill., introd. By Wiktorya J. Gorynska. Organized in conjunction with the Association of Polish Graphic Artists
Exposition no 291
- 17 novembre-4 décembre, • 9 décembre-4 mars 1939, Exhibition of Drawings by Contemporary French Sculptors, 1938. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1938, 3 p. catalogue-folder, by Walter Gernsheirn.
Exposition no 292
- 17 novembre-14 février 1939, Conternporary French Prints. Permanent Collection. 1939
Exposition no 293
- 2 janvier-2 septembre, Royal Canadian Academy Travelling Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1939, 9 p. From 59th annual, 1938
Exposition no 294
- 28 janvier-14 février, Colour Prints by Old and Modern Masters. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 295
- 28 janvier-14 février, Piranesi’s ‘ Carceri. ’ Permanent Collection)
Exposition no 296
- 17 février-5 mars, The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Annual Exhibition, 1939.
Exposition no 297
- 11 Mar-7 mai, • 15 janvier 1940-ca. 30 avril 1941, Recent Accessions: Political and Social Caricatures by Honoré Daumier. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 298
- 11 mars-7 mai, Recent Accessions: drawings and water colours of the Italian, French. Netherland and English Schools from the 16th to 20th centuries.
Exposition no 299
- 11 mars-7 mai, Recent Accessions: engravings, etchings, woodcuts, lithographs and colour prints from the 18th to 20th centuries.
Exposition no 300
- (1er mai-15 juin), • 8 juillet-13 août • août 1939-5 novembre 1940, Exhibition of Canadian Art, Canadian Group of Painters, New York World’s Fair. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1939, 16 p.
Exposition no 301
- 12 mai-11 juin, Selected Portraits. Portraits of the Royal Families from the Permanent Collection
Exposition no 302
- 12 May - 11 juin, Canadian Drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 303
- 12 mai-11 juin, Prints of the British School: 16th to 20th century. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 304
- 15 juin- 2 juillet, • 10 juillet-28 mars 1942, The New English Art Club, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1939, 12 p. Arranged in co-operation with Art Exhibitions Bureau, London 0
Exposition no 305
- (16 juin- 31 juillet), • 18 août-4 septembre/ 1er octobre • 11 septembre 1939-16 mars 1940, Canadian Art, Canadian Society of Painters in Water-Colour and Sculptors Society of Canada, New York World’s Fair. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1939 21 p. (Only Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour section toured)
Exposition no 306
- 1er août-15 septembre, Canadian Art, Canadian Group of Painters, New York World’s Fair. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1939, 15 p.
Exposition no 307
- 9 septembre-12 octobre, Lithographs by James Kerr Lawson (1863-1930). Permanent Collection
Exposition no 308
- 9 septembre-22 octobre, Selected prints of the French School from the 16th century to the present day; engravings, etchings and lithographs. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 309
- (16 septembre-31 octobre), • 3 janvier-5 février 1940, • 1er mai-17 novembre 1940, Canadian Art, Canadian Society of Graphic Art, New York World’s Fair. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1939, 18 p.. From iotli annual, 1939
Exposition no 310
- 6-22 octobre, Old Master drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 311
- 6-22 octobre, English Water Colours. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 312
- 28 octobre-26 novembre, • 1er décembre 1939-avril 1941, Sixth Canadian International Salon of Photographic Art, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1939, 32 p. ill
Exposition no 313
- 21 novembre-14 décembre, • 20 décembre 1939-ca. 18 mars 1942, Children’s drawings from the London County Council schools. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1939, 15 p.
Exposition no 314
- 30 novembre-2 janvier 1940, • 5 janvier 1940-30 mars 1940, Contemporary British art; oil paintings, water colours, drawings, prints from the British Pavilion, New York World’s Fair 1939, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1939, 33 p. By British Council, London
Exposition no 315
- 15 décembre-5 janvier 1940, • 16 janvier 1940-31 mars 1942, Original cartoons and caricatures by David Low. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1939, 14 p. Arranged in co-operation with the Art Exhibitions Bureau, London
– 1940-
Exposition no 316
- 3 janvier-5 février, • 1er mai-17 novembre, Canadian Art, Canadian Society of Graphic Art, New York World’s Fair. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1939, 18 p. See 309
Exposition no 317
- 6-29 janvier, Contemporary Painting in the United States, selected from the Department of Fine Arts, Golden Gate International Exposition, San Francisco, 1939,. Toronto: Rous & Mann for National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Art Gallery of Toronto and Art Association of Montreal, 1939, 16 p. SU-
Exposition no 318
- 15 janvier-30 avril 1941, French Political and Social Cartoons by Honoré Daumier from the collection of the National Gallery of Canada. Shown Art Gallery of Toronto, Toronto
Exposition no 319
- 10 février-29 mai, English Engraving from the 16th century to the present day. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 320
- 10 février-25 juin, Recent Accessions : Prints and Drawings.
Exposition no 321
- 10 février-25 juin, Rembrandt and the Dutch Etchers of the 17th century. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 322
- 5-10 mars, Special Exhibition of Diploma Works in celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 323
- 19 avril-6 mai, • 11 mai-18 août, Mural Designs for Federal Buildings from the Section of Fine Arts Federal Works Agency Programme, Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1940, 30 p., ill., by Edward B. Rowan.
Exposition no 324
- 18 mai-8 mai 1941, Canadian War Memorials Print Exhibition.
Exposition no 325
- 1er-20 juin, • 8 juillet 1940-?? mai 1941, Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour Travelling Exhibition. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1940, 8 p. From 19th annual. 1940
Exposition no 326
- 29 juin- 30 octobre, Recent Accessions: Contemporary Prints.
Exposition no 327
- 29 juin- 30 octobre, • 1er décembre 1940-31 janvier 1943, Modern Colour Prints. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1940, 4 p. catalogue-folder. By Redfern Gallery, London
Exposition no 328
- ?? juillet-?? , Paintings by Artists of the Maritime Provinces, 1939-40, Organized by the Maritime Art Association
Exposition no 329
- 3 août-26 septembre, Selected Drawings and Water Colours from the Canadian War Memorials Collection.
Exposition no 330
- 28 septembre-ca. 30 octobre, War photographs exhibitions, Château Laurier, Ottawa.'War for Freedom ’ by London Passenger Transport Board, and ‘ Somewhere in France ’ by Ministry of Information, London
Exposition no 331
- 10 octobre-?? , Exhibition and Auction of Canadian paintings, Ottawa: Canadian National Committee of Refugees (Ottawa Branch), 1940, 16 p.
Exposition no 332
- 2 novembre-19 janvier 1941, Catalogue of a selection from the Water-Colour and Sepia Drawings (1760-1850) in the William H. Coverdale Collection of Historical Canadiana, The Manoir Richelieu, Murray Bay, Qué. Montréal: Art Association of Montreal, 1940 11 p. Supplementary checklist, 6 p.
– 1941-
Exposition no 333
- 1er janvier-31 mars 1942, Royal Canadian Academy Travelling Exhibition 1941, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1941, 9 p. From 61st annual, 1940)
Exposition no 334
- 25 janvier-26 février, 13 mars 1941-?? avril 1942, Exhibition of Czechoslovakian Water Colours, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1941, 2 p. Etchings by Wenzel Hollar (1607-1677), 3 p. By Czechoslovakian Government for Art Exhibitions Bureau, London
Exposition no 335
- ?? janvier-?? , Archdale Collection of Modern French Paintings, Government House, Ottawa. See 348
Exposition no 336
- ?? janvier-?? Février, First abac Exhibition; Paintings and Sculpture from England, Canada and America, New York: American British Art Center Inc., 1941, 15 p., ill.
Exposition no 337
- 1er-24 mars, * 1er avril 1941-31 mai 1942, Recent British War Posters. 3 p. By the Art Exhibitions Bureau, London
Exposition no 338
- 1er mars-8 avril, Horatio Walker, r.c.a., n.a. (1858-1938); Memorial Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1941, 8 p. Asserribied by Art Gallery of Toronto, Toronto
Exposition no 339
- 5 avril-1er juin, Views of the British Isles by J.M.W. Turner, r.a. (1775-1851); from the ‘ Liber Studiorum ’and ‘ Southern Coast. ’ Permanent Collection
Exposition no 340
- 5 avril-22 juin, Woodcuts, engravings and examples of lettering by Eric Gill (1882-1940). Permanent CollectionJ
Exposition no 341
- 8 avril-1er juin, Contemporary Prints. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 342
- 7 juin- 8 juillet, • 19 octobre 1941-15 juillet 1942, Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour Travelling Exhibition. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1941, 8 p. From 14th annual. 1941
Exposition no 343
- 23 juin- 10 septembre, Modern Drawings from the permanent collection.
Exposition no 344
- 10 juillet-10 septembre, • 9 décembre 1941-16 mai 1942, Canadian Society of Graphic Art Travelling Exhibition. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. 1941, 8 p. From 18th annual. 1941
Exposition no 345
- 16 septembre-7 octobre, • 10 octobre 1941-10 mars 1943, The British Council Exhibition of British Children’s Drawings; Canada and the United States of America 1941-1942, London: British Council, 1941, 45 p., ill.
Exposition no 346
- 10 octobre-2 novembre, • 14 novembre 1941-6 mars 1942, Britain at War, Museum of Modem Art, New York, 1941, 97 p., ill., text by T.S. Eliot, Herbert Read, E.J. Carter and Carlos Dyer. Cartoons by David Low
Exposition no 347
- 10 octobre-9 novembre, Drawings and Water Colours from the Canadian War Memorials collection.
Exposition no 348
- 17 octobre-30 décembre, Archdale Collection of Modern French Painting. Shown Art Gallery of Toronto, Toronto and Art Association of Montreal. Periodically installed at National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa between août 1940 and septembre 1945,. See 3351
Exposition no 349
- 13 novembre-15 décembre, • 9 janvier 1942-6 mai 1942, War Cartoons and Caricatures of the British Commonwealth. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1941, 48 p., ill., by Alan Reeve of New Zealand.
Exposition no 350
- 20 décembre-28 janvier 1942, • 10 février 1943-ca. 31 mars, War Savings Posters by British School Children. By the National Savings Committee of the United Kingdom, Great Britain
– 1942-
Exposition no 351
- 1er janvier-31 août, Royal Canadian Acaderny Travelling Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1942, 9 p. From 62nd annual, 19411
Exposition no 352
- 15 janvier-14 février, • 9 mars 1942-5 juin 1943, Art of Australia, 1788-1941 : an exhibition of Australian art held in the United States of America and the Dominion of Canada under the auspices of the Carnegie Corporation, Museum of Modem Art, New York, 1941, 96 p., ill. Supplemented with a programme of Australian films presented in co-operation with the National Museum of Canada and the National Film Society
Exposition no 353
- 31 janvier-18 février, War posters: open competition sponsored by the Art Gailery of Toronto. *
Exposition no 354
- 31 janvier-25 novembre, Modern drawings from the permanent collection.
Exposition no 355
- 31 janvier-25 novembre, Selected French prints of the 19th and 20th century. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 356
- 25 Mar-4 mai, • 8 mai 1942-29 octobre 1943, Exhibition of Polish art; oil paintings, water colours, drawings, prints, sculpture, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1942, 23 p., introd. By Stanislaw Zaleski. Arranged through the Polish Ministry of Information, London
Exposition no 357
- 2-30 mai, Loan Exhibition of Water Colour Drawings in the William H. Coverdale Collection of Historical Canadiana, Manoir Richelieu, Murray Bay, Qué. Montréal: Art Association of Montreal, 1942, 11 p., introd., by Percy F. Godenrath.
Exposition no 358
- 8 juin-8 juillet, • 18 septembre 1942-29 mai 1943, Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour Travelling Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1942, 8 p. From 15th annual, 1942
Exposition no 358B
- ?? juin- ca. août 1943, Pictures by Children. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1937, 14 P - introd. by Arthur Lismer. Shown Kingston, Jamaica and Curacao, Sec 271
Exposition no 359
- 11 juillet -?? août, • 20 octobre 1942-?? Février 1944, The Canadian Society of Graphic Art Travelling Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1942 7 p. From 19th annual, 1942
Exposition no 360
- 5-27 septembre • 29 novembre 1942-?? mars 1944, The Canadian Group of Painters Travelling Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1942 8 p.
Exposition no 361
- 1er octobre-ca. octobre 1943, National Gailery Travelling Exhibition of Canadian Pictures. Circulated in West
Exposition no 362
- 10-21 octobre, Exhibition of paintings by Professor Chang Shu-Chi of Chungking, China Day, October 10th 1942. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1942, 3 p. catalogue-folder.
Exposition no 363
- 16-21 novembre, Royal Canadian Air Force Exhibition of Graphic Art, by the Art Section, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1942, 4 p. catalogue-folder. By the Department of National Defence Air Service, Ottawa
Exposition no 364
- 30 novembre-4 janvier 1943, • 7 janvier-2 juin 1943, Clarence A. Gagnon, r.c.a., ll.d., (1881-1942); Memorial Exhibition. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1942, 29 p., ill., essays by Jean-Marie Gauvreau and Duncan Campbell Scott.
Exposition no 365
- 19 décembre-14 janvier 1943, • 1er février 1943-16 avril 1943, Contemporary Arts Society Exhibition.
Exposition no 366
- 29 décembre-15 janvier 1943, • ?? novembre 1943-15 juin 1944, Canadian Children’s Drawings. Two sections circulated
Exposition no 367
- ?? décembre-?? , Canadian Armed Forces Art Exhibition, Toronto : Hart House, University of Toronto, 1942, 16 p., ill.
– 1943-
Exposition no 368
- 9 janvier-28 février, Dry-poims by Mary Cassatt, (1845-1926). Permanent Collection
Exposition no 369
- 9 janvier-28 février, English drawings of the 18th and 19th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 370
- 9 janvier-20 mai, Engravings of the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 371
- 16-24 janvier, Children’s Drawings from South Africa. *
Exposition no 372
- 27 janvier-2 février, Walls Have Ears, Posters organized by Porter F. Leach, New York, with the co-operation of the Wartime Information Board
Exposition no 373
- 1er février-11 septembre, Royal Canadian Academy Travelling Exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1943, 9 p. From 63rd annual, 1942
Exposition no 374
- 5 Mar-4 avril, • 8 mai 1943-31 juillet 1944, Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour Travelling Exhibition 1943,. From 16th annual, 1943, War section portion remained at National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa to 14 avril 1943
Exposition no 375
- 5 mars-Février 1944, • 28 mai-19 juillet 1943, Seventy first annual exhibition, the Ontario Society of Artists, Spring exhibition, Wartime Section, including 1918 Retrospective. Toronto: Ontario Society of Artists, 1943, 23 p., ill.
Exposition no 376
- 13 mars-?? , ‘Trumpet Call to Youth’: Children’s War Savings Poster Exhibition, 1943. Posters by students of Ottawa schools
Exposition no 377
- 20 mars-11 avril, • 15 avril 1943-10 septembre 1944, Twenty-five Years of the Soviet Union. Photographs and posters arranged through the Soviet Legation in Ottawa
Exposition no 378
- 27 mars-20 mai, William H. Coverdale Collection of Historical Canadiana: exhibition of Water Colours and Drawings.
Exposition no 379
- 9-28 avril, Exhibition of Paintings by Sir Frederick Banting, k.b.e. (1891-1941). 3 p. By Hart House, University of Toronto, with additions from private collcctors
Exposition no 380
- 17 avril-20 mai, Contemporary British Woodcuts and Wood Engravings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 381
- 17 avril-20 mai, Modern Colour Prints.Permanent Collection Re-hung 17 juillet-24 octobre 1943
Exposition no 382
- 29 mai-20 juin,• 14 juillet-Décembre 1943, Exhibition of Modern British Crafts. New York: Museum of Modem Art, New York, 1942, 91 p., ill. By the British Council, London
Exposition no 383
- 17 juillet-15 août, • 18 août 1943- ?? février 1944, Drawings of Canadian War Industries by Fritz Brandtner and Louis Muhlstock.
Exposition no 384
- 22 juillet-22 août, • 9 septembre-14 novembre, Mexican Art Today with the collaboration of the Direcion general de education extra-escolar y estetica, Mexico. Philadelphia: Museum of Art, 1943 1 10 p., ill.
Exposition no 385
- 20 août-24 octobre, Engravings and Elchings by William Blake. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 386
- 21 août-25 octobre • 15 novembre 1943-?? mars 1945, Canadian Society of Graphic Art Travelling Exhibition. From 20th annual, 1943
Exposition no 387
- 14 octobre-14 novembre, • 3 décembre 1943-7 avril 1944, Chilean Contemporary art: an exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Cliile and the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Chile. Toledo:Museum of Art, ca. 1942 176 p., ill.
Exposition no 388
- 28 octobre-21 novembre, Exhibition of Czechoslovak Art; In Honour of the 25th Anniversary of the Czechoslovak Republic 1918-1943. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1943, 5 p. catalogue-folder. Arranged through Frantisek Pavlasek, Czechoslovak Minister to Canada, the Czechoslovak Information Service, New York and Museum of Modem Art, New York
Exposition no 389
- ?? novembre -?? mars 1944, Canadian children’s drawings to Maritime Art Association.
Exposition no 390
- 14-28 décembre, Exhibition of prints by Canadian artists, Artists’ Gallery of Philip Ragan Associates Inc., Philadelphia. *
Exposition no 391
- 23 décembre-25 janvier 1944, • 1er février 1944-25 septembre 1944, Silk-screen prints. Reproductions by Museum of Modem Art, New York
Exposition no 392
- 28 décembre -Juillet 1945, Royal Canadian Academy Travelling Exhibition 1943-44. From 64th annual, 1943
Exposition no 393
- ?? décembre -?? janvier 1944, 8e Salon des Anciens: présenté à l’occasion du 20e anniversaire de fondation de l’École des beaux-arts de Montréal, peintures, gouaches, aquarelles, sculptures. Montréal: Art Association of Montreal, 1943, 7 p.
Exposition no 394
- ?? décembre-?? mars 1944, Canadian children’s drawings circulated in West.
Exposition no 395
- ___ Art of the USSR. in Wartime. Photographs by voks of Moscow arranged through the Soviet Legation, Ottawa
– 1944-
Exposition no 396
- 4 janvier-11 mars, The Wooden House in America. By Museum of Modem Art, New York
Exposition no 397
- 20 janvier-7 février, Aspects of Contemporary painting in Canada. Andover, Mass. : Addison Gallery of American Art, 1942, 63 p., ill.
Exposition no 398
- 29 janvier-18 juin, Engravings and Etchings of the Netherland School; 16th and 17th century. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 399
- 29 janvier-18 juin, Prints and drawings of the Netherland School; 16th to 18th century. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 400
- 11-27 février, • ?? mars-?? , An exhibition of Modern Dutch Art: 14 paintings by Vincent Van Gogh and work by contemporary Dutch Artists, New York : Netherlands Information Bureau, ca. 1943, 39 p., ill. Shown Art Association of Montreal
Exposition no 401
- 10 mars-16 avril, Canadian Art, 1760-1943, Bulletin of the Associates in Fine Arts at Yale University, XII, 3 New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Art Gallery, 1944, 12 p.
Exposition no 402
- 21 mars-5 avril, Canadian Army Art Exhibition, Ottawa: Directorate of Auxiliary Services (Army), 1944 15 p., ill.
Exposition no 403
- 21 mars-5 avril, • 19 avril-?? septembre, This is Our Strength. 3 p. Related pamphlet: Our Strength Behind the Forces. Ottawa: War Information Board, 1944, 1 p. Photogaphs organized with National Film Board of Canada, Ottawa.
Exposition no 404
- 21 mars-18 avril, Drawings by Augustus John, r.a. By the American British Art Cerner Inc., New York
Exposition no 405
- 21 mars-18 avril, Contemporary British Water Colours. By the American British Art Cerner Inc., New York
Exposition no 406
- 22 avril-1er juin, • 13 juin 1944-29 mars 1945, Artists for Victory; one hundred prints by American artists showing the United States in the War, 6 p. By Artists for Victory Inc., New York
Exposition no 407
- 14 avril-28 avril 1946, Contemporary Canadian Paintings, 6 p. Assembled for and circulated in the United States by American Federation of Arts, New York
Exposition no 408
- 28 avril-20 mai, • 25 mai-?? Juillet 1944, Royal Canadian Air Force: exhibition of Paintings and Drawings. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1944, 28 p., ill.
Exposition no 409
- 27 mai-2 juillet, Paintings lent by FI.S. Southam. 3 p
Exposition no 410
- 3-18 juin, • ?? juillet 1944-?? , Latin America in Posters: exhibition of South and Central American Posters from the William Morris Collection. Montréal: Canadian Inter-American Association Inc., 1944, 1 p. folder. Shown Kingston
Exposition no 411
- 21 juin- 10 juillet, • 25 août 1944-?? juin1945, The Urals Arsenal of the Red Army. Photographs arranged through the Soviet Embassy, Ottawa
Exposition no 412
- ?? juin-?? août British Poster Exhibition, 1934-35. See 205
Exposition no 413
- 11 juillet-2 août, • 3 août 1944-28 avril 1945, Canadian Group of Painters Travelling Exhibition.
Exposition no 414
- 12 juillet-14 août, • 2 octobre 1944-10 mars 1945, History of the Modern Poster. By Museum of Modem Art, New York
Exposition no 415
- 20 juillet-10 août, • 11 septembre 1944-avril 1953, Look at Your Neighbourhood. Photographs by Museum of Modem Art, New York
Exposition no 416
- 4-13 août, Piranesi’s ‘ Carceri ’ ; 16 plates. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 417
- 14 août-9 octobre, Recent Accessions: Canadian Prints.
Exposition no 418
- 16 août-11 Septembre, • 10 octobre 1944-15 août 1945, Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour. From 17th annual. 1944
Exposition no 419
- 12 septembre -?? juin1946, National Gallery Travelling Exhibition of Canadian Paintings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 420
- 1er octobre-29 mars 1945, • 12 mai 1945-3 juin, Canadian Society of Graphic Art Travelling Exhibition. From 21st annual, 1944
Exposition no 421
- 10-23 octobre, An exhibition of paintings by Kao Weng and Chang K’un-i, New York: Metropolitan Museum, 1944, 24 p. ill-
Exposition no 422
- 28 octobre-11 février 1945, Drawings: French School, 19th and 20th century. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 423
- 28 octobre-7 mars 1945, Paintings from the Gordon Edwards collection
Exposition no 424
- 23 novembre-26 décembre, • 13 août 1945-30 juin 1949, Great Britain and Her People. Photographs by the British Council, London
Exposition no 425
- 23 novembre-26 décembre, •Janvier 1945-mai 1945, Exhibition of Contemporary British Painting, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1944, 10 p. By the British Council, London
Exposition no 426
- 25 novembre-15 décembre, Pintura canadense contemporanea. Rio de Janeiro: Canadian Embassy, 1944, 28 p. By Jean Desy, Canadian Ambassador to Brazil, in cooperation with National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa and others
Exposition no 427
- 27 novembre-14 mars, Lithographs of the 19th and 20th century. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 428
- 12 décembre-31 janvier 1946, Society of Canadian Painter, Etchers and Engravers Travelling Exhibition.
– 1945-
Exposition no 429
- 1er janvier-?? Août, Royal Canadian Academy Travelling Exhibition, 1944-45,. From 65th annual, 1944
Exposition no 430
- 5 janvier-7 février, • 28 février 1945-5 mai 1946, British War Art Exhibition. Arranged through the United Kingdom Information Office. London
Exposition no 431
- 10 janvier-?? avril, • 8 juin-14 juillet, The Development of Painting in Canada, 1665-1945. Le développement de la peinture au Canada, 1665-1945. Toronto: Art Gallery of Toronto, 1945, 66 p., ill., bil. Organized with National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Art Association of Montreal and Musée du Québec, Québec . Reduced version toured West. See 494
Exposition no 432
- 14 février-11 mars, • avril 1945-15 juillet 1946, Canadian War Art. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1945, 22 p. Two sections circulated section lialf of tour
Exposition no 433
- 10 Mar-7 mai, Australian War Paintings by Captains Warner and Adams, Official Australian War Artists. Organized by Prints and Drawings Section
Exposition no 434
- 12 mars-4 juin, Selected Prints of the French School. Permanent CollectionJ
Exposition no 435
- 10 mars-3 avril, This is Our Strength, Photographs by the War Information Board and National Film Board of Canada, Ottawa
Exposition no 436
- (?? mars-?? juin), United Nations Exhibition, Canadian section, National Arts Club, New York.
Exposition no 437
- 15 avril-22 mai, • 1er juin 1945-4 décembre 1947, Blitzed Architecture of London. Photographs by Museum of Modem Art, New York
Exposition no 438
- 15 avril-22 mai, • 15 juin1945-15 avril 1946, Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour Travelling Exhibition. Front 18th annual, 1945
Exposition no 439
- 12 mai-3 juin, The Canadian Society of Graphic Art Travelling Exhibition. See 420
Exposition no 440
- 24 juillet-23 septembre, Drawings of the Italian School. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 441
- 24 juillet-23 septembre, Colour Prints: 18th to 20th centuries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 442
- 24 juillet-31 octobre, Old Master Engravings.Permanent Collection. See 453
Exposition no 443
- 30 juillet-28 février 1946, Drawings and paintings for movies, publications, posters. Ottawa: National Film Board, 1945, 4 p. Circulated with Canadian Society of Graphic Artists Travelling Exhibition for first half of itinerary
Exposition no 444
- 30 juillet-30 janvier 1947, • 28 mars 1946-30 avril, Canadian Society of Graphic Art Travelling Exhibition, 1945. From 22nd annual, 1945
Exposition no 445
- 1 août-11 janvier 1946, • 20 janvier 1946-28 février, India In Action: a collection of pictures by Captain Anthony Gross, British Official War Artist. New Zealand: British Ministry of Information for New Zealand, ca. 1945, 24 p. ill.. introd. by L.S. Amery.
Exposition no 446
- 6 septembre-12 février 1953, What An Art Centre Can Do For Your Community. Didactic display in ten duplicate sets
Exposition no 447
- 21 septembre-28 octobre, • 2-30 novembre 1945, Masterpieces from the Cook collection. Toledo: Museum of Art, 1944, 75 p., ill. Shown Art Gallery of Toronto.
Exposition no 448
- 28 septembre-8 novembre, • 15 mars 1946-30 avril 1947, Modern Dutch Architecture and City Planning. By the Netherlands Information Bureau, New York
Exposition no 449
- 11-28 octobre, Canadian Army art exhibition, 1945, Ottawa: Directorate of Auxiliary Services (Army). 1945 15 p. ill
Exposition no 450
- 16-28 octobre, •?? Janvier-?? février 1946, Moscow through the Centuries. Related booklet: Moscow Our Capital. Moscow: Soviet War News, ca. 1945, 20 p., ill., introd. by V.P. Pronin. Photographs by VokS of Moscow
Exposition no 451
- 19 octobre-26 mai 1946, • 8 décembre 1945-8 janvier 1946, Emily Carr: her paintings and sketches, Toronto : Oxford University Press foi National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa and Art Gallery of Toronto, 1945, 64 p., ill.
Exposition no 452
- 2-30 novembre, • 7 décembre 1945-9 avril 1946, The United States Navy in Action: the Abbott collection. Chicago: Abbott Laboralories, ca. 1945, 16 p., ill., foreword by James Forrestal. Referred to as ‘ American Naval War Art Exhibition ’
Exposition no 453
- 10 novembre-6 mai 1946, Old Master Engravings. Selection front 442
Exposition no 454
- 10 novembre-7 mai 1946, English drawings of the 18th and 19th century. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 455
- 1er décembre-?? janvier 1946, West Indian Art Exhibition. Bv the British Council, Kingston, Jamaica
– 1946-
Exposition no 456
- 1er janvier-?? Mars 1947, Royal Canadian Academy Travelling Exhibition. From 66th annual, 1945
Exposition no 457
- 20 janvier-4 février, • 15 février-?? Octobre 1947, Your City and You: an approach to Community Planning, designed by argo (Arhitectural Research Group of Ottawa), National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1946, 1 sheet. Produced in co-operation with National Film Board of Canada
Exposition no 458
- 20 janvier-28 février, India in Action: a collection of pictures by Captain Anthony Gross, British Official War Artist. See 445
Exposition no 459
- 20 janvier-28 février, • 9 décembre 1946-?? octobre 1953, Elements of Design. Photographs by Museum of Modem Art, New York
Exposition no 460
- 3 février-13 juillet, British paintings from the National Gallery collection. 5 p.
Exposition no 461
- 5-12 février, Exhibition of Water Colours and Drawings by T.A. McCormack. Arranged through the Office of the High Commissioner of New Zealand. Ottawa, in celebration of New Zealand Day
Exposition no 462
- 2-25 mars, • 2 avril 1946-31 juillet 1947, Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour Travelling Exhibition. From 19th annual, 1946
Exposition no 463
- 2 Mar-30 avril, • 13 mai 1946-21 février 1947, The Canadian Group of Painters Travelling Exhibition.
Exposition no 464
- 28 mars-30 avril, Canadian Society of Graphic Art Travelling Exhibition. See 444
Exposition no 465
- 10 mai-10 Juillet, • 1er septembre 1946-?? août 1947, Exhibition of Canadian war art. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1946, 26 p. Separate versions circulated in East and West
Exposition no 466
- 10 mai-19 janvier 1954, What is Modern Painting? Related booklet : same title : Museum of Modem Art, New York, 1945, 44 p., ill. Reproductions
Exposition no 467
- (27 mai-30 août 1947), Artes Graficas do Canada 1946. Rio de Janeiro: Biblioteca Publica Municipal, 1946, 27 p. introd. by Lawrence Hyde and Jacques de Tonnancour. Also shown Sao Paulo and Santiago
Exposition no 468
- (5 juin-?? septembre), Canadian Water Colours Exhibition, Twenty-ninth Annual Exhibition of the Philadelphia Water Colour Club, Art Alliance, Philadelphia. Organized in co-operation with the Society of Painters in Water Colour
Exposition no 469
- 8 juin- ca. 20 avril, Special exhibition of Frank Salisbury’s ‘ Coronation of King George VI ’
Exposition no 470
- 12 juillet-5 septembre, •?? septembre-30 décembre 1946, Contemporary Mexican painting and furniture. With additions from the J.S. MacLean collection, Toronto
Exposition no 471
- 15 juillet-5 septembre, Recent Accessions: Contemporary Canadian Drawings. *
Exposition no 472
- 16 juillet-5 septembre, Paul Nash Memorial Exhibition: Drawings, Water Colours and Lithographs. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 473
- 16 juillet-5 septembre, Contemporary Woodcuts and Wood Engravings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 474
- 5-26 septembre, A History of American Watercolor Painting. By afa : American Federation of Arts, Washington!
Exposition no 475
- 21 septembre-12 octobre, • 18 octobre-17 novembre 1946, If you want to build a house. Photographs and cartoons by Museum of Modem Art, New York. Shown at Art Gallery of Toronto. Toronto
Exposition no 476
- 1er-20 octobre, •?? novembre 1946-?? février 1950, Design For Use. In co-operation with National Research Council of Canada, National Film Board of Canada and the Department of Reconstruction, Ottawa. Circulated as ' Design in Industry '
Exposition no 477
- 30 octobre-2 janvier 1947, • 10 janvier 1947-?? février 1949, The Massey collection of English painting. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1946, 30 p., ill.. introd. by John Rothenstein.
Exposition no 478
- 1er novembre-15 septembre 1947, Modern French engravers under the auspices of la Direction générale de relation culturelle with the co-operation of Madame Maurice Le Garrec. Montréal: l’Association française d'action artistique, 1946, 62 p.. ill.. by Leon Masson.
Exposition no 479
- (18 novembre-3 mars 1947), Unesco Exhibition of International Art, Musée d'Art Moderne, Paris, Canadian section. Also circulated in Holland
Exposition no 480
- ?? novembre-?? décembre, Contemporary Canadian Prints. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 481
- ?? novembre - 28 mai 1947, Tom Thomson Collection. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 482
- ?? novembre - 28 mai 1947, Contemporary Canadian Painting. Permanent Collection
– 1947-
Exposition no 483
- 1er janvier-15 avril 1948, Royal Canadian Academy Travelling Exhibition. From 67th annual, 1946
Exposition no 484
- 14 février-9 mars, •?? avril-25 mai 1947, Exhibition of Contemporary French Art / Exposition de l’art francais contemporain, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1947, 41 p.. ill-. bil., preface by Louis Cheronnet. Sponsored by the Government of France and l’Association française de l’action artistique
Exposition no 485
- 29 mars-18 avril, The Arts of French Canada. 1613-1870, Detroit: Institute of Arts, 1946, 52 p., ill., by Marins Barbeau. French insert: Les arts du Canada français, 1613-1870, Detroit: Institute of Arts, 1946, 24 p.
Exposition no 486
- 12 avril- 26 mai, Paintings from the collection of R.S. McLaughlin.
Exposition no 487
- 2-19 mai, • 1er octobre 1947-6 juin1950, Arts graphiques et appliqués de la France actuelle au Canada. Québec: l’École du meuble, l'École des arts graphiques. l’Office de l’artisanat, 1947, 40 p. Circulated as ‘Contemporary French Book Illustrations'!
Exposition no 488
- (15 mai-15 juillet), International Exhibition of Children’s Drawings, Luxembourg Galleries, Paris. *
Exposition no 489
- 30 mai-18 août, • 1er septembre 1947-31 août 1948, Canadian Society of Graphic Art Travelling Exhibition. From 23rd annual. 1946
Exposition no 490
- 1er-4 juin, Exhibition of Swiss Postage Stamps. Arranged through the Swiss Legation in Ottawa. Previously at Centenary Philatelic Exhibition, New York, mai 1947
Exposition no 491
- 13-18 juin, r.c.a.f. paintings on exhibition for Air Force Day 1947. *
Exposition no 492
- 19 juin-30 juillet, • 20 octobre 1947-Septembre 1948, Exhibition of American Water Colours. By the Philadelphia Water Colour Club
Exposition no 493
- 22 juillet-31 juillet 1948, Ontario Society of Artists Travelling Exhibition. *
Exposition no 494
- 1er août-?? Avril 1948, Development of Painting in Canada (Western circuit). Separate catalogue : same title Brandon: Art Club, 1948, 8 p. See 431. Loaned to University of Alberta, Edmonton, ?? mai 1948-juillet 1954
Exposition no 495
- 2 août-21 Sept, * 1er octobre 1947-15 mars 1948, Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour Travelling Exhibition. From 20th annual, 1945
Exposition no 496
- 22 août-21 septembre, English Drawings of the 18th century. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 497
- 22 août-21 septembre, Rembrandt and his Contemporaries. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 498
- 25 septembre-10 novembre, • 3 janvier 1948-16 février 1949, Graphic Art in Sweden To-Day, Stockholm : Swedish Institute for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, 1947, 69 p., ill. Circulated as Swedish Graphic Art
Exposition no 499
- 30 septembre-14 novembre, Canadian Women Artists; sponsored by the National Council of Women of Canada and the National Council of Women of the U.S. New York : Riverside Museum, 1947, 3 p. Supplementary publication: Exhibition of Paintings by Canadian Women Artists. *
Exposition no 500
- 23 octobre-3 novembre, The Twenty Best Canadian Posters entered for the United Nations Poster-of-the-Year Competition. By the United Nations Association in Canada
Exposition no 501
- 22 novembre-22 décembre, Modern Water Colour Drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 502
- 22 novembre-30 mars 1948, Old Master Drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 503
- 22 novembre-?? , The Engravings of William Blake, Calvert and Palmer. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 504
- 23 décembre-30 mars 1948, Prints of the Nativity and Adoration. Permanent Collection
– 1948-
Exposition no 505
- (9 janvier-15 avril), Canadian war art exhibition, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Works by Robert La Palme, Michael Forster, Cari Schaefcr, William Ogilvie and Jack Nichols. Works by La Palme also shown Rome. See 545
Exposition no 506
- 15 janvier-1er février, • 6 février-Mars, Paintings looted from Holland, returned through the efforts of the United States Armed Forces. Buffalo : Albright Art Gallery, 1946, 44 p.. ill. Exhibited as ‘ Masterpieces of Dutch Painting. ’ Shown at Art Gallery of Toronto
Exposition no 507
- 9-11 février, Canadian Appeal for Children Exhibition and Auction of Contemporary Canadian Paintings and Sculptures. By the Canadian Arts Council on behalf of the Canadian Appeal for Children
Exposition no 508
- 21 février-31 mars 1949, Royal Canadian Academy Travelling Exhibition. From 68th annual, 1947
Exposition no 509
- 4-29 mars, • 2 avril 1948-31 août 1949, Memorial exhibition. Prudence Heward, (1896-1947.) National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. 1948, 28 p.. ill.
Exposition no 510
- 3 avril-17 mai ,• 1er novembre-14 décembre 1948, Canadian Society of Graphic Art Travelling Exhibition. From 24th annual. 1947
Exposition no 511
- 3 avril-17 mai, Six Canadian Painters, West Paint Beach. FL : Norton Gallery and School of Art, 1948, 5 p. catalogue-folder.
Exposition no 512
- ?? avril - 7 octobre, Exhibition of Augustus John’s, ’ Cartoon. ’
Exposition no 513
- 21 mai-?? , Recent Accessions: Canadian Prints.
Exposition no 514
- 21 Mai- 2 Septembre, Modern Lithographs of the 19th and 20th century : the 150th anniversary of the discovery of lithography. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 515
- 21 mai-14 juillet, The Great Frcnch Masters,.Permanent Collection
Exposition no 516
- 2-15 juillet, Modern Buildings for Schools and Colleges, I and II. 2 p. By Museum of Modem Art, New York
Exposition no 517
- 2 juillet-22 mai 1957, The Development of Painting in Canada. Photographic reproductions on cards organized by Art Gallery of Toronto, See 431
Exposition no 518
- 17 juillet-11 août, • 1er novembre-12 décembre, Australian Textile Exhibition. Related publication: A New Approach to Textile Designing by a group of Australian Artists. Sydney : ure Smith, 1947, 40 p., ill.
Exposition no 519
- 19 juillet-6 août, • 22 août 1948-?? juillet 1949, Canadian Group of Painters Travelling Exhibition. From 1947 exhibition
Exposition no 520
- 23-30 juillet, The Development of Painting in Canada. 7 p. From the Permanent Collection for Fredericton's Centennial Week
Exposition no 521
- 6 août-7 septembre, • 17 septembre-19 décembre, Oil 1940-1945 : All exhibition of Documentary Paintings from the collection of Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey). Toronto: Imperial Oil, 1948, 37 p., ill.
Exposition no 522
- 12 Aug-17 décembre, Canadian Drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 523
- ?? août-?? , ‘ Design Quiz ’, Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto. Display by Design Centre in co-operation with University of Toronto
Exposition no 524
- 2 septembre-18 octobre, •?? novembre-10 mai 1951, Sixteen Lithographs by Contemporary Artists. Toronto: J. Lyons & Co. Ltd., 1948, 2 p. catalogue-folder, ill.. foreword by James Laver. Exhibited as ‘ Contemporary British Lithographs. ’ Also shown Deep River, 21 -22 janvier 1955
Exposition no 525
- 7 octobre-8 novembre, • 19 novembre 1948-11 juin1949, Contemporary British drawings. London: British Council, 1948, 28 p.. ill.
Exposition no 526
- (12 octobre-21 mars 1950), Canadian Water Colours; arranged for showing in New Zealand by the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa in co-operation with the Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 1948 20 p., ill.
Exposition no 527
- 23 octobre-14 novembre, Canadian Designs for everyday living. By National Industrial Design Council of Canada
Exposition no 528
- 11-29 novembre, 2-10 décembre 1948, Contemporary Canadian Painting; organized with the co-operation of the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa and the Canadian Club of New York, 1948, 16 p. Shown at Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York
Exposition no 529
- 22 novembre-12 janvier 1949, Old Master Engravings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 530
- 22 novembre-12 janvier 1949, Woodcuts by Paul Gauguin. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 531
- 9 décembre-3 janvier 1949, • 7 janvier-?? Mars 1949, Lawren Harris; paintings, 1910-1948. Toronto: agi , 1948, 38 p., ill.
Exposition no 532
- 17 décembre-3 février 1949, Recent Accessions.
Exposition no 533
- 20 décembre-11 janvier 1949, •?? février 1949-?? Mai 1950, Three Post-War Houses. By moma, New York
Exposition no 534
- 27-30 décembre, Indian Textiles exhibition. Held in conjunction with showing of film Kalpana
– 1949-
Exposition no 535
- 14 janvier-6 février, • 11 février-13 mars, English watercolors from the Bacon collection. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1948, 26 p., ill.
Exposition no 536
- 3 février-25 mars, Recent Additions to the Massey Collection.
Exposition no 537
- 8 février-7 mars, • 15 mars-?? juin, Canadian Group of Painters Travelling Exhibition. 4 p. From 1948 exhibition
Exposition no 538
- (16 février-20 mars), Painters of Canada: exhibition of Canadian Painting 1668-1948. Richmond: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. 1949, 14 p.
Exposition no 539
- 18 février-27 mars, * 10 avril-?? novembre 1950, Helene Schjerfbeck, 1947. National Gallery of Canada, 1949, 14 p., ill-, introd. by Urho Toivola.
Exposition no 540
- 12 mars-20 avril, Recent Accessions.
Exposition no 541
- 12 mars-20 avril, The Development of Etching. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 542
- (?? mars-?? ), Canadian Silk Screen Prints and Reproductions. Assembled for the Chilean Maritime League, Valparaiso, Chile
Exposition no 543
- 21 avril-24 mai, • 2-26 juin, Contemporary South African paintings, drawings and sculpture, with a prelude of historical paintings. Cape Town: South African Association of Arts, 1948, 44 p., ill.
Exposition no 544
- ?? avril-?? novembre, Canadian Silk Screen Prints. Circulated in Ontario under the auspices of the Community Programmes of the Ontario Dcpartment of Education
Exposition no 545
- (14-21 mai), Works by Robert La Palme. Shown University of Rome. See 505
Exposition no 546
- (?? mai-?? juillet) Children’s Art Exhibition Canadian section, Mannheim Art Gallery, Germany. *
Exposition no 547
- 10 juin- 17 août, A loan exhibition of German paintings, 1400-1500. National Gallery of Canada, 1949, 6 p. Organized in cooperation with Frederic A. Stern, New York, and others
Exposition no 548
- 14 juin-23 août, • 5 septembre 1949-28 février 1951, Memorial exhibition, Pegi Nicol Macleod, 1904-1949. National Gallery of Canada, 1949, 26 p., ill., introd. by Donald Buchanan.
Exposition no 549
- 18 juin-15 août, • 25 août 1949-10 mars 1951, Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour Travelling Exhibition, 1949. From 22nd annual, 1949
Exposition no 550
- (14 juillet-25 septembre), Forty Years of Canadian Painting from Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven to the present day. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1949 36 p., ill.
Exposition no 551
- 14 août-22 décembre, Modern Drawings and Water Colours. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 552
- 17 août-8 octobre, • 1er novembre 1949-1er avril 1951, Original colour prints by the Society of London Painter-Printers. National Gallery of Canada, 1949, 3 p. catalogue-folder. By Redfern Gallery, London
Exposition no 553
- 10 septembre-2 octobre, • 8 octobre 1949-30 avril 1950, Paul Nash, (1889-1946); paintings and drawings. London: British Council, 1949, 16 p., ill., introd. by Philip James.
Exposition no 554
- 11 septembre-11 juin 1950, Der the auspices of the Carnegie Corporation, New York. See 718
Exposition no 555
- 7-31 octobre, Pictures from the Montréal Museum of Fine Arts.
Exposition no 556
- 7 octobre-7 novembre, The Story of Modern Chair Design 57, Hand Useful Objects of Fine Design. By Museum of Modem Art, New York
Exposition no 557
- 7 octobre-30 avril 1950, Four Canadian Paintings from the National Gallery of Canada. Works by J.W. Beatty, Clarence A. Gagnon, Wyly Crier and Paul Peel
Exposition no 558
- 13 octobre-10 novembre, •?? janvier 1950-27 mai 1950, Progrèss through Design. Photographs by Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
Exposition no 559
- 13 octobre-19 avril 1950, Early Italian Engravings and Drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 560
- 15-27 octobre, • 15 mars-30 avril 1950, Swedish Museums Exhibition. By the International Council of Museums, Unesco House, Paris
Exposition no 561
- 15 octobre-29 septembre 1950, British Poster Exhibition: Posters for the General Post Office, London.
Exposition no 562
- 28 octobre-27 novembre, • 6 décembre 1949-30 juin1950, Some British drawings from the collection of Sir Robert Witt. London: British Council, 1949, 36 p., ill.
Exposition no 563
- 28 octobre-19 mai 1950, Canadian silk screen prints. Jointly sponsored with National Film Board of Canada and circulated under the auspices of the Association of Canadian Clubs
Exposition no 564
- 12 novembre-13 février 1950, Piranesi’s ‘ Carceri ’: 1st state. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 565
- (16 novembre-22 mars 1952), The Massey Collection of English painting. National Gallery of Canada, 1949 41 p., ill. Circulated in Australia, New Zealand and the United States with the assistance of the Carnegie Corporation. Tour ended Vancouver.
Exposition no 566
- (18 décembre-29 janvier 1950), Art Work by Children of North America Canadian section, Worcester Art Museum, Mass. *
Exposition no 567
- 23 décembre-13 février 1950, Canadian Drawings. Permanent Collection
Exposition no 568
- 24 décembre-19 janvier 1950, Paul-Émile Borduas, Irène Legendre, Stanley Cosgrove, Goodridge Roberts. Québec : Musée du Québec, Quebec, 1949, 8 p., bil. Shown as ‘ Four Painters of Québec / Quatre peintres Québecois ‘