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Laplante, Myriam


A été ou est actuellement encore membre de :

  • 2023 - Infinita infanzia, curated by Saverio Verini, Palazzo Collicola, Spoleto, March 2024
  • 2023 - Terra Unbrae #2, Museo dinamico del laterizio e delle terracotte, Marsciano
  • 2023 - La lunga estate calda, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Roma
  • 2023 - Soldi e Paura, Spazio Mensa, Roma
Lire la suite...
  • 2023 - Incubi, Società Lunare, Bassano in Teverina
  • 2023 - U.N.A., Complesso di San Domenico, Narni
  • 2023 - Zerynthia. Metamorphosis, Galerie de l'UQAM, Montréal
  • 2023 - Fabula Animale, Società Lunare, Bassano in Teverina
  • 2023 - Drawing as Concept, Centro per l’arte contemporanea Trebisonda, Perugia
  • 2022 - Zerynthia. Metamorphosis, Galerie de l'UQAM, Montréal
  • 2022 - Fabula Animale, Società Lunare, Bassano in Teverina
  • 2022 - Nuovi reperti, Museo delle scienze del territorio, Palazzo Collicola, Spoleto. With Polly Brooks and Medina Zabo
  • 2022 - Memento Mori, PRAC Centro per l'Arte contemporanea, Ponzano Romano
  • 2021 - Le altre opere, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Roma
  • 2021 - Michetti, Spalletti e nuovi paesaggi con o senza figura, 72° Premio Michetti, Museo Michetti, Francavilla al Mare
  • 2020 - La rivoluzione siamo noi. Collezionismo italiano contemporaneo, Galleria d’Arte Moderna Ricci Oddi, Piacenza
  • 2020 - 8th UP-ON International Live Art Festival, Chengdu, China
  • 2020 - 10 years PAErsche Aktionslabor, Cologne, Germany
  • 2019 - Phantasma, Galleria Francesca Antonini, Roma
  • 2019 - “ALFABETI /La parola nell’arte”, Rocca Albornoz, Spoleto
  • 2017 - Le Temps file, Musée National des Beaux Arts du Québec du 6 avril 2017 au 24 septembre 2017
  • 2017 - Motion, MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Canada
  • 2017 - Motion, Centre Culturel Canadien, Paris
  • 2017 - Blow up, Il Ponte Contemporanea, Rome
  • 2017 - Viaggiatori sulla Flaminia, Palazzo Lepri, Bevagna
  • 2016 - Trastevere, Inbtrecci d'arte e di vita, Museo di Roma in Trastevere, Rome
  • 2016 - INTRO - Unedited Hunt, Il Ponte Contemporanea, Rome, January 2016
  • 2016 - Conversation Piece, Galerie Donald Browne, Montréal, March 2016
  • 2016 - Motion, Galerie de l'UQAM, Montréal, March-April 2016
  • 2016 - Motion, HEAD Genève, Mai 2016
  • 2015 - Di mano in mano, Casa delle Letterature, Roma, Dic 2015 – Feb. 2016
  • 2015 - Chiave Umbra Indoor, Palazzo Lucarini, Trevi
  • 2015 - Spoleto Contemporanea, Palazzo Collicola, Spoleto
  • 2014 - One Torino: Shit and Die, Palazzo Cavour, Torino, Nov. 5 2014 - Jan. 11 2015
  • 2014 - Baculus, Complesso Monumentale San Carlo Borromeo, Studio A '87, Museo Archeologico 2014 - Nazionale, Palazzo Collicola Arti Visive, Spoleto
  • 2013 - La Petite collection – splendeur et grandeur, Galerie de l'UQAM, Montréal
  • 2013 - The Night Watch, Lilith Performance Studio, Malmö,
  • 2013 - T U F F F O / C’era una volta, una volta sola, Torre di Mola, Formia
  • 2013 - Il corpo solitario, L’autoscatto nella fotografia contemporanea, Palazzo della Penna, Perugia
  • 2013 - Only this and nothing more, Pop-up, Centre PHI, Montréal
  • 2013 - The lying on the floor, abandoned to lie, with E.P.I. Zentrum Cologne and Sibylle
  • 2013 - Ettengruber, Künstlervereinigung MAERZ, Linz
  • 2013 - POP-UP!, Centre Phi, Montréal
  • 2012 - Crazy Vibes, Il Ponte Contemporanea, Rome
  • 2012 - Who's paying you? Galerie Donald Browne, Montréal
  • 2012 - Spazi Aperti, Accademia di Romania, Rome
  • 2012 - Altri Mondi, The Office - contemporary art , Rome
  • 2011 - Arte dopo la Fotografia. 1850-2000, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Roma
  • 2011 - Summer Exhibition, Il Ponte Contemporanea, Roma
  • 2011 - Altre Narrazioni, Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea, Roma
  • 2011 - Direzione Alterità, Teatro India, Roma
  • 2011 - Entro Via - La Via dell’Arte, Via Margutta, Roma
  • 2011 - Green Machine , Carnival float and parade, Carnevale di Sant’Eraclio,
  • 2011 - Casa di Bambola, Segni Mutanti, Roma
  • 2011 - Black Stars on a White Sky, Another Vacant Space, Berlin
  • 2010 - Art Montreal Contemporary, Expo 2010, Shanghai
  • 2010 - Femmes artistes. L’éclatement des frontières, 1965-2000, Musée National des Beaux Arts du Québec, Commissariat : Pierre Landry, Québec, Qué du 17 juin au 10 octobre 2010
  • 2009 - Upupa, Museo della Nuova Era, Bari
  • 2009 - The Road to Contemporay Art, Il Ponte Contemporanea stand, Roma
  • 2009 - Invito all’Opera – Achille Bonito Oliva, Neurons, Il Ponte Contemporanea, Roma
  • 2009 - Wunderkammern, Museo Bilotti, Roma
  • 2008 - La photographie hantée par la photographie spirite, Musée régional de Rimouski, Rimouski, Québec
  • 2008 - Il était une fois, Wunderkammern, Rome
  • 2008 - Il était une fois, Studio A’87, Spoleto
  • 2008 - Abre Tus Ojos, La Noche de los Museos, Buenos Aires
  • 2008 - XIII Biennale Internazionale di Carrara “Nothing but Sculpture”, Carrara
  • 2008 - Summer Kisses, Museo Laboratorio, Città Sant'Angelo, Italy
  • 2007 - Le cinque anime della scultura, Centro Sperimentale per le Arti Contemporanee, Caraglio
  • 2006 - Trace Archive, Franklin Furnace, New York
  • 2005 - Art Action Meeting, Galeria Bielska BWA, Bielska Blawa, Polonia
  • 2004 - Prima visione, Studio Lipoli&Lopez, Roma
  • 2004 - Disegni, Galleria AAM, Roma
  • 2004 - Linea Umbra 2, Trevi Flash Art Museum, Trevi
  • 2003 - Le Opere e i giorni, Certosa di San Lorenzo, Padula
  • 2003 - Roma 2003, Galleria Pack, Milano,
  • 2003 - Luoghi d’affezione, Internationales Kunstzentrum Ostbelgien, Eupen, Belgio
  • 2003 - Group exhibition, Annina Nosei Gallery, New York
  • 2002 - 1° Biennale Merano Arte "DNArt", Merano
  • 2001 - Contemporaneo Temporaneo, Sala Mazzoniana, Roma
  • 2001 - ABO – le arti della critica, Palazzina Azzurra, San Benedetto del Tronto
  • 2000 - Acquisitions récentes, Musée du Québec, Québec, Qué du 9 juin au 6 septembre 1999
  • 2000 - Fuori di qui, Istituto Austriaco, Roma
  • 2000 - Les loisirs de Fabrice Hybert, Galerie Beaubourg, Vence, France
  • 2000 - Summer show, Annina Nosei Gallery, New York
  • 1999 - Espaces intérieurs : Le corps, la langue, les mots, la peau, Passage de Retz, Paris
  • 1999 - El cos, la llengua, les paraules, la pell : Artistes contemporains del Québec, Santa Mònica, 1999 - 1999 - Barcellona
  • 1999 - Sad Waltz, Bone Festival, Bern
  • 1999 - The Myth of Canin Loyalty, Bone Festival, Bern
  • 1998 - Between Body and Soul. Entre corps et âme, Galerie du Centre des arts Saydie Bronfman 1998 - Between Body and Soul. Entre corps et âme, Galerie d’art Leonard & Bina Ellen, Université Concordia, Montréal
  • 1998 - Disidentità, Palazzo Branciforte, Palermo
  • 1998 - Pre-Millennium Tension, Fabbrica EOS, Milano
  • 1998 - Art Energie, Palazzo Corsini, Firenze
  • 1998 - Children, Futuro, Roma
  • 1997 - Missing, II Ponte, Roma
  • 1997 - Profondità / Superficie, Santa Maria dello Spasimo, Palermo
  • 1997 - Malafemmina, Marco Rossi Lecce, Roma
  • 1996 - Partito Preso, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Roma
  • 1996 - XII Quadriennale, Sala Mazzoniana, Roma
  • 1996 - Under Different Skies, Oksenhallen, Compenhagen
  • 1996 - Cluster Immages, 2nd Werkleitz Bienale, Werkleitz, Germany
  • 1996 - White Christmas, Fermenti Lattici, Torrimpietra, Roma
  • 1995 - Artisti per Opening, Accademia Americana, Roma
  • 1995 - Art sans Frontières, Larouche, Québec
  • 1995 - Estenioni del Corpo, Galleria Civica, Padova
  • 1994 - Parzialmente Stremati, Villaggio Globale, Roma
  • 1994 - Solstizio d’Autunno, Castello di Rivara, Tivara, Roma
  • 1994 - Cartografie et identità, Museo Pigorini, Roma
  • 1993 - Segnali d’Allarme, Studio Aperto, Roma
  • 1993 - Giochi nell’Acqua – Mutant Mermaid, Ponte dell’industria, Roma
  • 1993 - Beau Dommage, Jack Shainman Gallery, New York
  • 1993 - Avvistamenti, Schola dei Mureri di San Samuele, Venezia
  • 1993 - Territoria, Sala 1, Roma
  • 1993 - Abstrategies-Abstract Painting in the nineties, Dunedin Fine Arts Center, Dunedin, Florida
  • 1992 - Summer Show, Jack Shainman Gallery, New York
  • 1992 - Dislocazioni, Galleria d’Arte Contemporanea, Termoli
  • 1991 - Presenze, Rocca Paolina, Perugia
  • 1991 - Artae, Ferrara, Roma and Milano
  • 1984 - Montréal tout-terrain
  • 2018 - Effetto Larsen, con Aldo Grazzi, La Nube di Oort, Rome (duo)
  • 2014 - Alla fine andrà tutto bene, Ha!, Galleria Monty&co, Rome (double solo with Georgina Spengler)
  • 2021 - Meanwhile, Nuova Galleria Morone, Milan
  • 2021 - Un po' d tutto, Palazzo Lucarini Contemporary, Trevi
  • 2019 - Mostre in Mostra, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Roma
  • 2014 - Gemma Cosmica, Madonna del Pozzo, Spoleto, September 2014
Lire la suite
  • 2012 - Only this and nothing more, Il Ponte Contemporanea, Rome
  • 2009 - Paradis artificiels, Galerie Donald Browne, Montréal
  • 2008 - Fotografie 1996-2006, Gallery Apart, Roma
  • 2007 - Anarchie resplendissante, Galerie Page 22, Barjols, France
  • 2002 - La parodie du monde selon Myriam Laplante, Galerie de l’UQAM, Montréal
  • 2002 - Caccia, Il Ponte Contemporanea , Roma
  • 2002 - Hunt, Annina Nosei Gallery, New York
  • 2000 - Bambole, Il Ponte Contemporanea , Roma
  • 2000 - Danze macabre, Dina Caròla arte contemporanea, Napoli
  • 2000 - Myriam Laplante, Italy at Arco 2000, II Ponte, Madrid
  • 1999 - Photographs, Annina Nosei Gallery, NewYork
  • 1998 - Limbo, II Ponte, Roma
  • 1996 - Fantasmi, Sala Santa Maria ad Nives, Rimini
  • 1994 - Myriam Laplante, Studio Aperto, Roma
  • 1994 - Myriam Laplante, Galerie Dare-Dare, Montréal
  • 1993 - Myriam Laplante, Mark Moore Gallery, Santa Monica
  • 1992 - Myriam Laplante, Galleria Sprovieri, Roma
Musées et collections
Distinctions et prix

Performances et installations

  • 2024 - BIFPA International Festival of Performance, March 2024
  • 2021 - Black Market International, Exploring, Alten Schmelze, Frankfurt/Main (performance)
  • 2021 - Black Market International, Kaiserhalle Burgbrohl (performance)
  • 2021 - Black Market International, Rufffactory, Koln (performance)
  • 2021 - You have to be there, PAF (Performance Art Festival), Salt Lake City, USA
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Performances et installations (suite)

  • 2020 - Visitors, performance with Nyla Van Ingen and Jeffrey Isaac, Palazzo Lucarini, Trevi
  • 2019 - Désastres, Galerie Selma Feriani, Tunis (performance)
  • 2019 - Disasters, Museum of Modern Art, Odessa (performance)
  • 2019 - Tragen, performance in Boris Nieslony's exhibition Das es geschieht, Museum Ratingen (performance)
  • 2019 - Birds, Interval 10, Essen (performance)
  • 2019 - “The Notion of Absence”, Sub Rosa Space, Athens (performance)
  • 2018 - Fly me to the Moon, Festa Franca, Cannara (PG) (performance)
  • 2017 - La fenomenologia dell'assenza, MACRO Rome (performance)
  • 2017 - The Gateway, Lilith Performance Studio, Malmö, Sweden (performance/installation)
  • 2017 - The Phenomenology of Doubt GUYU International Performance Art festival, Xiang Xishi Center for Contemporary Art, Xi'an, China (performance)
  • 2016 - In caso di dubbio, Colli Independent, Rome (performance/installation)
  • 2016 - The Phenomenology of Doubt, Una diversa geografia, Villa Pravernara, Valenza, Italy (performance)
  • 2016 - C'era una volta, Castello di Roccascalegna, Roccascalegna (CH) (performance)
  • 2016 - Earthly Delights, Performing Santa Caterina, Foligno, collective performance choreographed by Nyla Van Ingen in Jeffrey Isaac's (installation)
  • 2015 - The Phenomenology of Doubt, Bone 18, Schlachthaus Theater, Bern, December 1-6 2015 (performance)
  • 2015 - The Phenomenology of Doubt,, Kulstof,Nordkraft, Aalborg, Denmark, November 12-15 2015 (performance)
  • 2015 - The visit, Siderare, Fondazione Volume! at Forte Portuense, Roma (performance)
  • 2015 - The release of uncried tears, Street Level festival, Helsinki (performance)
  • 2015 - Fragments d'un discours lumineux, with Lucia Bricco, Naked Lights, Teatro Tordinona, Rome (performance)
  • 2014 - En cas de doute, Le Lieu, Québec (installation/performance)
  • 2013 - Terapia, Asti Teatro, Asti, July 6, 2013 (performance)
  • 2013 - Aldo Grazzi oppure Myriam Laplante, Museo Civico di Sant’Antonio, Cascia (PG) (performance)
  • 2013 - Performance festival, Kunstbanken Hedmark Art Center, Hamar, Norway (performance)
  • 2013 - Terapia, Viaggiatori sulla Flaminia, Palazzo Mauri, Spoleto (performance)
  • 2012 - Adrift, Performance on Franco Troiani’s installation- Studio A’87, Spoleto
  • 2012 - PALS Performance Art Links, Fylkingen, Stockholm (performance)
  • 2012 - Black Market International, different venues, Belfast, N. Ireland (performance)
  • 2011 - Black Market White Sheep, Parco per l’arte, Cancelli (Italy) (performance)
  • 2011 - Black Market International, Short Theatre, MACRO Mattatoio, Roma (performance)
  • 2011 - Only this and Nothing More, Short Theatre, MACRO Mattatoio, Roma (performance)
  • 2011 - TAXXI, MAXXI, Roma (workshop and event)
  • 2011 - Therapy, Reload, ex-officine Rosati, Roma (performance)
  • 2011 - Therapy, This is Performance Art, Snafu, Aberdeen, (performance)
  • 2011 - Black Market International, National Review of Live Art, Glasgow(performance)
  • 2010 - Dalla materia oscura, Short Theatre, Teatro India, Roma (performance)
  • 2010 - Black Market International, PALA, Padepokan Lemah Putih Solo, Indonesia (performance)
  • 2010 - Black Market International, Sculpture Square, Singapore (performance)
  • 2010 - Out of Dark Matter, Oberland Performance Art Festival, Werk IV, Kirschau (performance)
  • 2010 - Out of Dark Matter, PALA, Padepokan Lemah Putih Solo, Indonesia (performance)
  • 2010 - Out of Dark Matter, Sculpture Square, Singapore (performance)
  • 2010 - Out of Dark Matter, Moebius, Boston (performance)
  • 2010 - Out of Dark Matter, TempleM, New York (performance)
  • 2009 - Human Alembic, 08A.C., Cava di Grotta Fucile, Gola della Rossa (AN) (performance)
  • 2009 - 10th Open International Festival, OPEN Realization Contemporary Art Center, Beijing (performance)
  • 2009 - It’s a hard life, Spazi Aperti, Accademia di Romania, Roma (performance)
  • 2008 - Future of Imagination, Sculpture Square, Singapore (performance)
  • 2008 - Asiatopia, Bangkok Art and Culture Center, Bangkok (performance)
  • 2008 - Le Roi Crapaud, Les Halles de Schaerbeek, Bruxelles (video-performance)
  • 2008 - Once upon a time, CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw (performance)
  • 2008 - Disasters, Interackje, Piotrkow Tribunalski, Poland (performance)
  • 2008 - Il était une fois, IVAM, Valencia, Spain (performance)
  • 2008 - Il était une fois, Teatrino della Villa Reale, Monza (performance)
  • 2008 - Il était une fois, Momentum, Bains::Connective, Bruxelles (performance )
  • 2008 - Disasters, LaCasaVerde, Foligno (performance)
  • 2008 - Fontana, Teatro delle Muse, Ancona (performance)
  • 2007 - Black Market International, National Review of Live Art, Tramway, Glasgow (collective performance)
  • 2007 - Finding light in a desperate situation, British School at Rome, Rome (performance)
  • 2007 - Désastres, Musée international d’art modeste, Sète, France (performance)
  • 2007 - Sad Waltz, Galerja Racka – Center for Contemporary Arts, Celje, Slovenia (performance)
  • 2006 - Black Market International, Les Halles de Shaerbeek, Bruxelles (collective performance)
  • 2006 - The Wolves in Winter, South London Galery, London (collective performance)
  • 2006 - “À la guerre comme à la guerre”, Le Toboggan, Décines, France (performance)
  • 2006 - “À la guerre comme à la guerre”, Acciòn 06 MAD. Conde Duque, Madrid (performance)
  • 2006 - “Désastres”, International Performance Art, Turbine, Giswil (Switzerland) (performance)
  • 2006 - 14th Perofrmance Art Conference, Saigon- Dalat, Vietnam (performance)
  • 2006 - Blow! – Aktuelle Positionen der Performance Art, Umformerstation Groß Ilsede (Germany) (performance)
  • 2006 - Disastri, Z2O Galleria, Rome (performance)
  • 2005 - Hostages, Performance Art Center, Lublin, Polonia
  • 2005 - Black Market International, Bone Festival, Schlachthaus Theater, Bern (collective performance)
  • 2005 - Black Market International, Théatre de l’Usine, Geneva (collective performance)
  • 2005 - Finding Light in a Desperate Situation, Bone Festival, Schlachthaus Theater, Bern
  • 2005 - Black Market International, New Moves International, The Arches, Glasgow (collective performance)
  • 2005 - Bbeyond, Belfast, Derry, Ballintoy, Ballycastle, Rathlin Island, Irlanda del Nord (performance)
  • 2005 - Self-Portrait, Langaut, Dresden (performance)
  • 2005 - Hostages - Interackje Performance Festival, Piotrkow Tribunalsky, Polonia
  • 2005 - Black Market International, Ilseder Hütte, Ilsede, Germania (collective performance)
  • 2005 - Black Market International - 13. Performance Art Konferenz, TESLA, Podewils schen Palais, Berlino (collective performance)
  • 2004 - Elisir, Volume! – The Gallery Apart, Roma (installation/performance)
  • 2004 - Captain Freedom, Fado, Toronto (performance)
  • 2004 - Captain Freedom, Rialtosantambrogio, Roma (performance)
  • 2004 - I won’t play with fire, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, Ontario (performance)
  • 2003 - Everything is going according to plans, Trace Gallery, Cardiff, Gran Bretagna (installation/performance)
  • 2003 - Captain Freedom, Bone Festival, Bern (performance)
  • 2003 - Captain Freedom, Women's Performance Art, Osaka (performance)
  • 2003 - Captain Freedom, Diaspora, Gallerie Clark, Montréal (performance)
  • 2003 - Everything is going according to plans, Diaspora, Ilôt Fleurie, Québec (performance)
  • 2003 - Everything is going according to plans, “The Long Breath”, Maschinenehaus, Essen, Cuba-Cultur, Muenster (performance)
  • 2002 - Maman Ours, Galerie de l'UQAM, Montréal (performance)
  • 2002 - Le mythe de la loyauté canine, Galerie de l'UQAM, Montréal (performance)
  • 2002 - Black Market International, Galerie Clark, Montréal (collective performance)
  • 2002 - Captain Freedom, Performance HID, MAMU Galeria, Budapest (performance)
  • 2002 - Fontaine, 13th Multimedia Art Festival "Transart Communication", Nove Zamky, Slovachia
  • 2002 - Ingerenze, RialtoSantambrogio, Roma (collective installation/performance)
  • 2002 - Fontana, RialtoSantambrogio, Roma (performance)
  • 2001 - Crying, 2nd Open Art Platform, Penshang, Cheng Du, Cina (performance)
  • 2001 - Black Market International, Museo Nazionale delle Tradizioni Popolari, Roma (collective performance)
  • 2001 - Mamma Bear, Exit Festival, Helsinki, Finland (performance)
  • 2001 - Mamma Bear, Le tribù dell’arte, Galleria Comunale d’Arte Contemporanea, Roma (performance)
  • 2000 - Il mito della lealtà canina, Il corpo eccentrico, Centro Petralata, Roma (performance)
  • 2000 - Il mito della lealtà canina, Castello di Genazzano, Genazzano (performance)
  • 1999 - Mutant Mermaid 2, Performance Index, Basel
  • 1998 - Limbo, Istituto Svizzero di Cultura, Roma (performance)
  • 1998 - Valzer Triste, Arrivano dal Mare, Cervia (performance)
  • 1997 - Sirena mutante, Museo Pino Pascali, Polignano (Bari) (performance)
  • 1996 - Mutant Mermaid, Cluster Images, Werkleitz, Germany (performance)
  • 1996 - Sad Waltz, Under Different Skies, Oksenhallen, Copenhagen (performance)
  • 1996 - Sad Waltz, Ritorno al Mare, Polignano (Bari) (performance)
  • 1996 - Crying ghost Sala 1, Roma (performance)
  • 1996 - Crying ghost, Sala Santa Maria ad Nives, Rimini (performance)
  • 1996 - Acque Chete - Crying ghost Sala 1, Roma (performance)
  • 1995 - Sad Waltz, ArteFiera, Bologne (performance)
  • 1995 - Sad Waltz, Bibli, Roma (performance)
  • 1994 - Innocente non ho fatto niente, Ludovico Pratesi, Frascati (performance)
  • 1994 - The girl of milk and blood, Galerie Dare-Dare, Montréal (performance)
  • 1993 - The girl of milk and blood, Caffé Latino, Roma (performance)
  • 1992 - Bearded Woman, Caffé Picasso, Roma (installation/performance)
  • 2015 - Gemma Cosmica, Nuova Galleria Morone, Milano (installation)
  • 2008 - Fata Morgana, Gallery Apart & Cerere Temporary Gallery, Roma (video / installation)
  • 2007 - Neurons Moderna Galerja – Mala Galerja, Ljubljana (installation)
  • 2007 - Lupus in fabula, Moderna Galerja – Mala Galerja, Ljubljana (performance/installation)
  • 2007 - Lupus in fabula, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna – The Gallery Apart, Rome (performance/installation)
  • 2005 - Lupus in fabula, Annina Nosei Gallery, New York (performance/installation)
  • 2005 - Moscio, Rialtosantambrogio, Roma (collective performance/installation)