Echalook, Thomasee

Autre nom
Echaluk, T.

A été ou est actuellement encore membre de :





  • An Enduring Tradition: Inuit Carving from Arctic Quebec, Inuit Gallery of Vancouver
  • 1972 - Arctic Quebec Print Collection, (annual collection)
  • 1974 - Arctic Quebec Print Collection, (annual collection)
  • 1975 - Arctic Quebec Print Collection, (annual collection)
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  • 1975 - Arctic Quebec Print Collection (printmaker), (annual collection)
  • 1973 - Arctic Quebec Print Collection II, (annual collection)
  • 1974 - Arctic Quebec Print Collection II, (annual collection)
  • Art Inuit, Galerie Castel
  • Art Inuit, Banque Royale du Canada
  • Art Inuit, Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai at Chapelle de la Visitation
  • Art Inuit, Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai at La Halle aux Bles
  • Art Inuit, Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai at Palais de l'Europe
  • Art Inuit, Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai at Le Theatre
  • Art Inuit, Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai at Palais de l'Europe
  • Aux frontieres de l'imaginaire inuit, Galerie du Trait-Carre
  • Canadian Eskimo Art: a representative exhibition from the collection of Professor and Mrs. Philip Gray, Fine Arts Gallery, Montana State University
  • Contemporary Eskimo Sculpture, St. James Church
  • Drummers, The Guild Shop
  • Early Masterpieces of Inuit Sculpture, Feheley Fine Arts
  • 1974-1978 - Eskimo Prints from Nouveau-Quebec, Ufundi Gallery
  • Images of the Far North, Studio Art Gallery, State University of New York
  • In Celebration, Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec
  • 1976 - Inoucdjouac Print Collection, (annual collection)
  • Inuit Games and Contests: The Clifford E. Lee Collection of Prints, University of Alberta
  • Inuit Graphics from the Past, Arctic Artistry
  • Inuit Legends in Stone, Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec
  • 1982 - Inuit Sculpture, The Raven Gallery
  • 1961-1987 - Inuit Traditions in Graphics, Arctic Artistry
  • Kunstwerke der Inuit, Presented by CreARTion, Eppstein in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Association of Canadian Studies at the Hotel am Badersee
  • Les Inuit du Nouveau-Quebec, Musée du Quebec
  • Polar Vision: Canadian Eskimo Graphics, Jerusalem Artists' House Museum
  • Sculpture Inuit 25 Years After, Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec
  • Sculptures from Inoucdjouac, The Inuit Art Collection, James F. Bacon
  • The Ancestors/Links Between Worlds, Minnesota Museum of Art
  • The First Passionate Collector: The Ian Lindsay Collection of Inuit Art, Winnipeg Art Gallery
  • The Inuit Print/L'estampe inuit, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and the National Museum of Man
  • The Way We Were - Traditional Eskimo Life, Snow Goose Associates
  • Treasures from Canada's Arctic, Heritage Place
  • Works on Paper from the Permanent Collection of Inuit Art, Canadian Guild of Craft Quebec
  • Inuit Art Exhibition, Whitby Arts Incorporated, The Station Gallery
Musées et collections
  • Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen's University, Kingston
  • Anchorage Museum of History and Art, Anchorage
  • Art Gallery of York University, Downsview
  • Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec, Montreal
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  • Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull
  • Dennos Museum Center, Northwestern Michigan College, Traverse City
  • Luther College, Decorah
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, Montréal
  • Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, Ottawa
  • Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
  • New Brunswick Museum, Saint John
  • Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto
  • Toronto Board of Education Archives and Museum, Toronto
  • University of Alberta, Edmonton
  • Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies, Banff
  • Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg
Dossier d'artistes